
Is it safe to use 'No More Nails' to hang a mirror?

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The adhesive claims to be strong, but something is stopping me from going ahead with the job.

Advice please..?




  1. No More Nails is an adhesive I am not familiar with.

    When possible - using a frame or clips for your mirror may be advisable primarily for the reason of REPLACEMENT.

    We have done hundreds of remodels ... and personally I like the installed mirrors with adhesive.

    When installed evenly - correctly - with out any major air voids leaving room for breaking - it even adds to the strength of the mirror in preventing breakage... Note.

    I Do not like taking them Off - so if you are NOT going to break the mirror - using silicone or liquid nails WILL work just fine and Personally I have not seen it wreck the mastic on the back side of the mirrors.

    Usually it gets scratched there - and is an excuse used by contractors saying clips should have be used.

    The sticky mastic adhesive products you get what you pay for. Some are junk... some actually bond as well as the adhesive only the squares are small and the mirror flexes.

    If you are going to play darts next to the mirror do not use adhesive however. :-)

    Wishing You Success!

  2. Hello Paul:

    This is lalahahagagamama from Y&A, it is safe to use the adhesive  I use them and and they are safe I still have pictures hang after five years how safe can that be,? do not use nails they are definite not safe. The nail could bounce after you hit it and could land in your eyes or any where else other than the picture..

  3. NO!  Using the wrong adhesive will ruin the backing on a mirror.  There is a special mastic that is made for installing mirrors.  It can be found at home centers and hardware stores.  If you do use it, be sure to use mechanical fasteners with it or brace until the adhesive sets up.  Hope this helps.

  4. i wouldn't trust it that much..

  5. Life is short enough,don't do it.

  6. DONT DONT DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it can't even hang a tiny picture on the wall lol!

    it fell off =D

  7. You don't say if the mirror is in a frame, if it is then you would be better off using a picture hook, if it is not then you could stick it back to the wall with mirror adhesive (available from Screwfix) tape it into position and leave overnight this is ok with wall tiles. you could also try hooks with D/S tape again it depands on mirror size this would be ok with a small mirror and frame on say a tiled wall. Good Luck

  8. The short answer is a big big "no" not unless the mirror is small like a shaving mirror

  9. why not?

  10. No.  I definitely would not use it.  I have built many homes.  This is one mistake that owners sometime make.  Here is the problem:  The weight of the mirror could pull the hanger of the wall.  The glue would still be stuck to the wall paint, so the glue would have done its job. You need a nail or s***w to go into the wall board, and not glue that only stuck to the surface.  

    The same thing it true if attaching items over wall paper. The weight of a picture or mirror could rip the hanger off, paper and all.

  11. i wouldn't

  12. well I have removed a few mirrors that where held on with glue...well let me tell u there a pain in the butt to get off the wall since that glue holds so well....just make sure u have a way to support the mirror while the glue sets up....use a strip of wood under the mirror nailed to the wall and tape the upper corners use enough glue to support it

  13. pease dont use it, its a bit dodgey and will ruin the mirror. it will also cause you 7 years bad luck if it falls (if you believe that) lol

  14. The adhesive "is" strong, but that does not mean the silvering on the back of the mirror will not peel off and allow the mirror to fall. Use mirror clips with screws.

  15. I wouldn't.  Definatley not - I would stick to the traditional method.

  16. You did jolly well right listening to that "something" stopping you from going ahead with the job.

    You've got your answers with everyone answering with a most emphatic NO.

    Good Luck.

  17. a small mirror wud be ok but i wouldn't use it to hang a large mirror

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