
Is it safe to use Epsom Salt as a laxative?

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And how long does it keep you on the toilet?




  1. Well... while "safe" and "laxative" don't go together 100% of the time, the actual answer will depend on how much you take and how much stuff is in your system. Are you having cramps or stomach pains? If so, don't take it. Try some extra fiber on a regular basis and let your body get the blockage out on it's own.

    If you have no stomach pains, then you can try some Epsom salts as a healthier alternative to some OTC laxatives (especially those that are chemical-based). The instructions should be on the salt container as far as how much to take per body weight... but be aware that the less you take, the gentler it will be on your relationship with the toilet, and the longer it will take to be fully cleaned. The higher the dose you take, the faster you'll be clean, and the longer (and more painfully for your r****m) that you'll be on the toilet.

    The choice is yours as far as how bad you want it to be and how fast you want it to take. Good luck!

  2. I used it, I was on the toilet for at least an entire day, and it hurt really bad. Then about three months later I got a massive kidney infection, because epsom salts strip the minerals and bacteria out of your body, good and bad. You won't die from it, but I will never ever do it again, there are better ways to do it. Like drinking a lot of water for example. Good luck!

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