
Is it safe to use Penicillin on infected belly buttons without a prescription?

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I got my belly button infected and now my mom is yelling at me because last week i showed her it and she just gave me penicillin. I asked her to take me to the doctor and she said, no you just need this. So I took it for a few days and the swelling went down but it was still a little swollen and red, and she said I didn't need it anymore so now it got worse again and she just gave it to me, but I don't think it's safe to take without a prescription. She had it froma previous infection but I never took it, the doctor gave her it and I don't think it's safe for me. I'm 16, she's 44 if that matters. Maybe it's too strong or something for me.

And also on the pill it says 93 3109 if that makes a difference.

I'm not going to take this one though unless I know it's safe. I told her I said I want to go to the doctor for antibiotics and stuff she said no I never said that and I never even told her about it....But I did that's how i got the medicine last week.




  1. never take anything without a prescription!!! u could be allergic. it may not work on that particular infection.

  2. If you have an infection and need medication and mom refuses to take you to the doctor, she can land herself in hot water. I hope you get better, and talk some sense into your mom to take you to the doc. Prescription misuse is also a crime.

  3. You should never take anyone else's meds, even if it is your mother's meds.  She should have finished them for the problem that she had.  That's how a virus mutates.  Get some betadine (triadine) for your infection.  Pour into bb and let sit for 15-30 min.  Soak up with a cotton ball or kleenex.  Should help the infection.

    Pierced for 10 years

  4. You should really go to the doctor.  My ear piercing got infected and I had a bump and the doctor popped it and cleaned it and then I washed it with alcohol everyday and it got better.

  5. Penicillin has very few rules, just make sure the dose is decently high. There is nothing bad penicillin can do to you.  If you use too little though your body will become immune to it and penicillin will become useless on you and any infection you have.  Just make sure its a good dose (1g is more htan enough).  Doctor's are guesswork in a labcoat, don't give them so much credit.

  6. NO. You need to make sure you have an infection first.

  7. Penicillin is a poor choice, but if you're going to use it, small doses for a brief time are exactly the way you don't want to use it. You've messed up about every way there is. Either the infection is going to clear on its own or it isn't.

  8. It is completely safe. I have no health insurance so when I got an infection I asked my doctor if I could take some antibiotic my sister had he said usually all antibiotics are completely safe for any adult. Also your mom wouldn't give you something she thought would hurt you. There is really no point in going to the doctor for it anyway when all they will do is give you amoxicillin or penicillin.  Same thing your mom has. I have a belly button ring that has been infected more than it hasn't because I play with it too much, all I do is take my left over antibiotics. Dont know if you are but if you are also on birth control and sexually active do not have s*x while mixing the antibiotic with birth control pills The antibiotics cancel it out.

    And to alot of you above, give her mom some credit, I am sure this isnt the first infection her child has had in 16 years, she probably knows shes not allergic, also if you have actually had an infected piercing you would know they give the same antibiotics her mom is trying to give her.If it didn't work, they wouldn't prescribe it to people.

  9. Young Lady, a true christian as You, don't go around getting body piercings ( excluding earrings ). You may have a thousand ways to tell me back that it was just this or that, but I will not accept your explanation/s. Since I already know the consequences of it in You. Anyhow, I will just add quickly that belly piercing takes time to heal :- approx 4 months to 1 year. I am sure You were unaware of it.

    Now, lets try to get You better.

    First of all, get rid of that belly button ring or whatever it is called. Don't wear it ( if You really want to get better ).

    Secondly, your mother has given You " Amoxicillin " 500 mg capsules and they are the best when it comes to killing the bad bacteria. The only problem is that You are not following a proper regimen. You must eat 1 capsule in the morning;  empty stomach and wait 2 hours before/after You eat any food, and eat 1 capsule in the night ( empty stomach ), for five days. Please also make sure that your belly-button stays dry all day long. Should You do this, soon the swell and redness will dryout and disappear.

    In case, before the five days are over and your belly-button starts bleeding and/or excrete a white, smelly substance, and in some severe cases like the oozing of pus. Then it means You have caught the yeast infection. For that You will need to get " Cephalexin " 500 mg, 3 times a day ( empty stomach ), 1 week regimen. Along with an ointment of " Sodium Fusidate " 2 %, applying it twice daily to the affected area. You will have to see your family doctor for a prescription of it and it may cost $ 30 dollars for the medication.

    While You are taking your medicine, try to eat a multi-vitamin tablet too daily. And yes, You may feel some side-effects of taking these medicines but it is absolutely normal:

    - Mild nausea

    - Vomiting

    - Diarrhea

    - Dizziness

    - Tired feeling

    Mail me if You have any questions or comments.

    God Bless You !


    Get to a doctor as soon as possible before the infection spreads further. Even though it may SEEM to be be working, it might just address the symptoms such as the swelling etc, not the cause (the infection itself). Dont listen to your mother.. if she gives you anymore "helpful" advice, do not take it! Its your body, if anything happens to it, you'll be the one suffering. Anyways, please go to a doctor as soon as possible because its better to nip the problem at the bud rather than wait for the problem to grow and then you're going to spend mor than the measly 100 or 150 dollars that might have prevented all this mess. Good Luck! dont take any unauthorised prescriptions.

  11. Do not take any more of this medicine your mom gave you.

    There are several types of penicillins that are used for different infections for example Amoxicillan is used for  Respiratory tract infections and  Flucloxacillin is used for Skin and soft tissue infections i.e. boils and wounds,  but all penicillins come in different strengths too according to the severity of the infection and the normal duration of a course is 5-7 days.

    You have to see a medical practitioner if your problem persists.  Hope this advice helps.

  12. No.  Although rare, a phenomenon called anaphylactic shock can arise if you happen to be allergic to penicillin, and if it occurs, only immediate medical treatment will keep you alive.  Hence, penicillin is only administered in a clinical situation where professionals are continually on hand to monitor the situation.

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