
Is it safe to use an electronic toothbrush with braces?

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I just got my braces on today(Wahoo), and I am really paranoid about knocking the brackets loose. The random little kit they gave me has a manual toothbrush in it. Should I be using that instead?

P.S: My electronic brush is an Oral B Vitality. Dunn know if that matters or not.





  1. NO

  2. mayb start using the required toothbrush what the dentist gave u and after a week or so try the elctric one. nothing is gonna drastically happen.

  3. Yes, go ahead! As long as you use it correctly, as in, don't put too much pressure on it. Enjoy!

  4. No..not at all

  5. I think the orthodontist would have told you if you couldnt.

  6. why wouldn't it be?

  7. No, it takes a lot for the brackets to come off.

    It's fine if you do, but I'd just be worried about the bristles on the brush getting caught on your brackets. it's not a big deal or anything, it's just annoying. (:  

  8. I've had friends who have used them, but there is actually no benefit to having an electronic one. The manual ones work just as well, and yes, there is less possibility that you will knock a bracket loose.

  9. omg no ur braces wont come loose haha they are cemented on ur teeth. its fine to use it. no worries.

  10. use the manual toothbrush because you never know if using one of those spinning brushes gets stuck then going to the dentist or ER to have it removed how embarrassing is that?

  11. You can use the electronic but you'll have to use the manual also.  (You won't knock anything loose) The manual will get up and UNDER your wires which is NECESSARY to get all the food particles out.  (Or simply shut off your electronic toothbrush to manuver it under the main wire) The cleaner you keep your teeth - the better off you'll be.  You don't want those gums getting swollen right before an adjustment!!!

  12. I think it would actually be more preferable if you used the electronic toothbrush because it works better then a manual toothbrush, just remember to not go crazy on your teeth with it...sometimes it takes a week or two to get use to using a electronic toothbrush but it will get easier to use...

    P.s. now that you have those braces DO NOT forget to floss as well...its difficult but extremely important!!!

  13. it should be fine

  14. i have braces too and i use the Sonic Care. it is an electronic toothbrush. my dentist make sure i use it too. it cleans your teeth way better than a manual. it will help with plaque and keeping your gums nice and pink, it does a lot more than that but stick with the Oral B Vilality.

  15. well since i have had braces be fore i would say no cause when i did it my teeth hurts really bad

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