
Is it safe to use black marker or paint to spray on your boots?

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okay, I lost my boot polish and they are scraped up and the light leather is showing, I was going to use paint or marker to cover it up/pain over it, but i heard the paint might damage the leather.

Is there an easy way to permanently blacken the leather or something?





  1. arnt we all using suede boots now a days anyway... if not dont be a lazy *** and go buy some d**n shoe polish or barrow some. it looks ridicules   when ppl try to use fake stuff. did you learn anything in bc

  2. You obviously aren't in the Marine Corps, because if you were you'd have respect for your appearance, and would get off your lazy @ss and go get more polish.

    Quit trying to take the easy way out and use some good ol fashioned elbow grease!

  3. Who still has black boots?

    Anyways go to any store and pick up some black kiwi polish, it's really cheap.  Paint or marker is a bad idea, and I can't imagine that it would look good/professional if used.

  4. go to your px or even your supply guy, heck even walmart, they all have them. borrow some from a buddy or something. dont take the easy way out, you wont get anywhere in the military that way.

  5. no

  6. Are you STUPID?!!! Get up and stop being lazy! What branch are you in? You had better not be Air Force. How did you pass Basic? Didn't you listen to your Drill Sergeant? Don't you know what will happen to your boots?! Don't you dare disgrace my uniform by using paint or a marker! Go to any store or get to the supply sergeant and pick up some Parade Gloss shoe polish and get to work! I can tell you, if you were under my command, you, your flight, and your Drill Sergeant would have KP duty and be doing PT all night.

  7. I would not advise it since it will deteriote the leather and lose the integrity of the boot.  Also, that would not fly in my platoon.  I'd marched you to the PX and order you to buy 'serviceable' boots.  It is up to you to ruin your boots.  It is up to me to put yourself in check! You can't be in the military, right?  No servicemembers will ever consider black paint or markers as an option.

  8. TROLL!

  9. Bad Idea. Suck it up and get polish, gas stations usually carry it.

  10. if you don't care about the boots looking perfect, black marker or paint should do the trick. I've had good luck with black nail polish.

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