
Is it safe to use shoe shine?

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i have a shoe shine kit. Is it safe to use this regualr shoe shine kit on y tall boots for a show. also is it ok to wipe my tall boots down with a moist paper towel after riding. my boots are also getting sort of like wrinkles around the heel. is that just how they break in?




  1. Don't use the shoe shine on the inside part of your boot if you have a light colored horse. It can stain the horse. Otherwise shoe shine is fine. And yes, wrinkles around the heel is how they break in.

  2. I use my shoe shine kit before every show and it is actually good for your boots and helps them last longer and look nicer. And wiping down your boots are also good for your boots. Also those wrinkles are there because they are breaking in, its perfectly normal.

  3. I've never used shoe shine on boots, but I don't see how it could hurt. Wiping down your tall boots after you ride is actually good for them. Keeping grime off keeps your boots in better condition longer. And wrinkling around the heels is normal breaking in.

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