
Is it safe to use the buses at night in London? (10:00 pm - 12:00 pm). From Victoria to London Bridge.?

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Is it safe to use the buses at night in London? (10:00 pm - 12:00 pm). From Victoria to London Bridge.?




  1. i'm not being funny but it is not safe on london buses during the day let alone at careful and sit near the driver!!!!

  2. yes

  3. Two years ago i was working in worthing and i regularly travelled from Victoria to London bridge even some time i walked all the way when weather was nice, its great and i always used night buses for 4 years and never had any issues. I am not saying its safe but its good enough for a busy multi-cultural city like London where crime is on the rise so is population and there's not enough security facilities, lack of policing but reality is you are not safe anywhere in the world but better off in London Night buses if you really have to use it. if you are carefull you can avoid some minor nuisance.


  4. Yes, just take your common sense with you!   Keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings as you would anywhere.

  5. As long you use common sense & take sensible precautions you should be fine, as the first person who answered said stay near the driver.  

    If you're not confident travelling on your own, ask a friend to come with you the first few trips or arrange to have someone meet you at London Bridge and/or Victoria.  If you're travelling on your own, take a book with you or a walkman, stick the earplugs in but you don't have to switch it on.  

    Most people who get on night buses are usually more interested in getting home or getting to work then in bothering the people around them.

    My friend & I, don't live in the area you want to travel in, I live in North London, she lives in the Camberwell/Elephant & Castle area, we often travel on buses on our own, we've never had problems except for that time my friend was on a double decker with a really bad driver, who caused her to fall down the stairs.

  6. You canbe in the wrong place at the wrong time  any where in the world any day ..Keep in well lit street walk sharply  dont walk the streets if you have been drinking do not have you money like in a bag  have it split between all your pockets about your person  The main trouble with London is that its busy and crowds of folks so you feel too safe and relax too much

  7. You should be OK as long as your conscientious - stay seated near the driver / and don't get drawn into conversations with strangers or make long eye contact - look purposeful & busy, dress modestly ... Don't appear fearful or as if you are easy 'victim' - despite what you might feel inside.

    Take comfort in the fact that many buses now carry CCTV and figures for crimes occuring on London transport are down, despite the fact that we get bombarded with the negative on the news daily.

  8. Nope! WAY to dangerous!! Unless, of course, you get a front row seat. ;-)

  9. Yes, you can . It is safe. I seen them going by . I did not take

    them. I stayed around area.

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