
Is it safe to visit France if you are from the USA now?

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I have heard they are anti-American and don't believe that as they have been a valuable alliance for our country in the past.




  1. yes, Just do not bring bombs and guns but u can buy it in france to protect yourself

  2. Well you are as safe as if you were in the States....

    We are not that kind of arogant people you think we are... you are welcome especially if you're cute and if you have a nice american accent trying to speak french...

    Seriously, be nice, smile and try few'll be ok, chill.

  3. As an American, I've traveled to France over 20 times on business and for leisure and not once I've encountered any act of discourtesy or hostility. Go there with an open mind and you'll be greeted with the same.

  4. no there are too many talibans around

  5. It's terrible to read a question like your one. You are welcome in France, if you're from the States, Australia, Ireland or Japan, it doesn't matter where you come from. What do you think about us ? Of course there are some idiots in each country, you can do nothing about that.

  6. we just don't agree bush policy an dfrench majority like everithing coming from USA

    your welcome no problem just be cool

  7. I'm an American living in France and no one gives me any problems about it.  Generally, French people are pretty nice.  Most of the rudeness comes from cultural differences, I think.  Just don't go around talking about how much French people suck.

  8. " Valuable alliance " ? What a joke.

      "France.......they're always there when they need us"

  9. Its okay you wimp just doing anything offend them. They are not as bad as us.

  10. They will saute' you in an oven and serve you to the pigs with truffles.

    France is kewl, they have good Drs.

  11. True, BUT if you don't get in their faces about it, you'll be fine. Don't wear a "France is a nation of cheese eating surrender monkeys" t-shirt. It also helps if you know a word or two of French, even if it is just a simple "merci." They'll appreciate you trying. If you are nice, they'll be nice back to you.

  12. don't believe the hype, French people have no probs with American tourists.

  13. I went to France one week after 9/11/01, and lived for a year in one of the most muslim-populated areas. I even taught a class of mostly muslim students. I had no problems. You should be fine. Try speaking a little French, though. It's kind of rude to walk up and speak English to them.

  14. That is funny, I am French and I wondered the same if I went to America...are people will consider me like a stinky frog if went there ? Or people will be normally friendly ?

    Anyway, I am sure you can travel here without problem. You just don't need to argue with people about international affairs...

    When French people meet friends for dinning, we often speak about politic and everyone start speaking loudly and enjoy debating. After this "joust" we all smile and keep being friends...

    So you are welcome ! Bienvenue en France !

  15. I am astonished at your question. Why on earth would it be dangerous to come in France if you're American?

    Of course it is safe. As long as you're respectful, people will be respectful. Naturely you won't avoid all the stupid bashing morons in France as French people won't be able to avoid some American bashing morons.

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