
Is it safe to visit Istanbul this period?

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I'm planning to visit Istanbul next week but after the bombings and the political situation I start having second thoughts about it. Any advice?




  1. Go ahead with your visit. these bombings are targeting Turkish people. the area was residential. just be vigilant. I can't forget the worry we had during the IRA's bombing campaign throughout the UK, but at the end of the day if we all stayed locked away in our little houses the UK would have ground to a halt.

    If everyone stops visiting countries that have suffered terror attacks like this then the bad guys have won.

    My heart goes out to the families of the dead and wounded.

  2. No country is really safe!Do you want to put yourself in cotton now and not go on the street anymore?Not me....I`m still going to Turkey and Spain and France and all the other country`s where the bombings was.

  3. hi,

    if you want to support terrorists organizations ,don't visit our country and other countries that was attacked by  the terrorists...

    Now, all the humen who support democracy , must visit Türkiye and others  injured countries.

    now , tell us which side are you ?against to TERRORISM OR NOT!

  4. im sorry that this has ruined ur future trip.

    its another reason why terrorist kurds shouldnt be supported or built up as 'freedom fighters',and another reason that EVERYONE should combat terrorism.

  5. I wouldn't go right now- there were bombings and while there may not be anymore, the city probably won't be an overly pleasant place to be in the aftermath, with people being upset and lots of security measures in place.

  6. once I have been in Istanbul after a bombing. There were  lots of security measures. I didn't feel myself scaring. Really, there is no any completely safe place in this world. but if some fear gonna spoil your trip you can cancel it.

  7. No country is "safe" these days (even your own home country).  Therefore take sensible precautions and if you really feel unhappy then of course you have the choice to remain at home

    However, this would be a great shame.  Firstly the amount of incidents proportional to tourists are minute, and secondly by staying away, the only people who benefit are the perpetrators who win by inflicting hurt on those concerned today as a physical act, and also on the tourist industy as a moral victory

    Statistically the "safest" time to go is actually after an incident as both the general public at large and also the security forces are more vigilant than ever which is a major deterent to people who commit these kinds of deplorable acts.

    I was planning on going later this year, and personally will carry on with these plans

    Your choice, but unless your official government advice dictates not to (check the website) then I would not worry unduely, but go with your heart

  8. my family go to turkey every year and were there when the bommbing went of in bodrum,he latter is,no where is really safe with these fanatics,i live in scotland and our airport got car bombed last year,thankfully no one was hurt apart from the suicide bomber and theres bound to be hundreds of these evil idiots about

  9. I would like to say "nowhere is safe" as the others (would) do but it seems my country lacks security a bit more than the EU countries. Well, the situation is not OK in the country, i mean Ergenekon issues, Turkish Army's operations against terrorists etc. So, the tension is high...

    The choice is yours, but aslo keep in mind that after this attack, security will be very strict so that it is not really time to happen for another sorrowful issue.


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