
Is it safe to visit London as a tourist? Where do most of these stabbings take place?

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Is it safe to visit London as a tourist? Where do most of these stabbings take place?




  1. I live in London and you'd think that we all walked around being stabbed all the time.  I've never even been mugged in London and I've lived here for 10 years.  I do have some advantages though - I'm not a member of a gang, I don't have any involvement in drugs and I don't carry a weapon myself.  I'm white and reasonably middle class and I don't live on an estate.  Most stabbings and shootings are black on black drug and gang crime and usually don't involve members of the public.  The few times they do they get massive publicity so you can see how rare it is.  You're far more likely to get run over by a bus to be honest.  Don't go down dark alleys on your own at night, don't wander around with a large camera round your neck screaming "tourist" and don't stand in the middle of the pavement with a large map.  Not that this is risky, it's just annoying to people trying to get past you.

  2. they do not take place in tourist areas or to tourists. normally youngsters in poorer areas, often gang related.

  3. Honestly, you really shouldn't worry. I lived there for 6 years and my parents 20 years, and we are all still intact.

    These events are very rare, and that is why we hear about them.

    However, you do need to be aware. Just make sure that you are keeping yourself safe, and if you are really worried then join a group and go sightseeing together.

  4. These stabbings havent started today, it's just the media now has picked  up on it and making lots of noise.

    Tourist areas are safe and just avoid areas where there are lots of minorities especially at night.

  5. stick to the tourist attractions & you'll be fine

  6. I'm so saddened that we have such a bad reputation now - and yes the recent spate of stabbings have been truly horrible.

    London IS safe to visit.

    There are no absolutes but my advice to you would be to avoid pubs and clubs in the early hours of the morning. Basically avoid places where young teens are out being drunk and loud.

    If you are visiting tourist spots and out and about during the day you should not have a problem - London is a lovely place and we do have much to offer the tourist.

  7. It's as safe as any major city in the world. These knife related crimes are predominantly occurring amongst youth groups, they are not targeting tourists.

    The media focus is also giving the impression that this is a new and overwhelming phenomenom and that is breeding a sense of irrational fear in many.

    Come and enjoy London. It is a great city with lots to offer.

  8. These Stabbings have Not been in Tourist Areas, but Working Class Areas,

  9. Most stabbings take place in working class areas.

    There have been no stabbings near tourist attractions this week.

  10. This is just ridiculous hysteria.

    In a population of about 8 million, they have been 14 or so stabbings, terrible for the families of the victims  -but  how many people have died in traffic accidents in London this year?

  11. What a ridiculous question! Sorry, I'm not trying to be condescending but ANY big city has areas you have to be careful. The stabbings are in outlying areas that most tourists may at most travel through without stopping. The English people are great - generally friendly, nonthreatening and helpful (second only to us Aussies, lol). You'll be fine in London - its big but safer than most (if not all) cities of this size. Having said that, take big city precautions and you'll be alright.

  12. the stabbings happen everywhere, Buy a well covered insurance when you are in London.

  13. As a tourist in London, as with any other major city, you just need to be streetwise and you will be completely safe.

    The biggest threat to tourists is pick-pockets, so keep your valuables zipped up in your bag and close to you at all times.

    Most of the stabbings occur in southern and eastern areas, but these places are rarely visited by tourists to be honest!

    Have fun in London, it really is a wonderful city!

  14. its as safe as any other major city,these things happen all over the world its just at the moment the press in the UK are homing in on it ------> :)

  15. I have visited many times and never been stabbed so far. Don't walk in secluded areas in the night, I guess.

  16. Don't go out alone.  Safety in numbers.

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