
Is it safe to visit Vaisho Devi next weekend(10th Aug 2008)

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i have plans to visit vaishno devi next weekend with my family...are buses or some other alternate mode of commutation being allowed to go from jammu to katra these days...plz if someone can answer...thanks




  1. the area is having problems and just before independence day, there could be disturbances, but all of these are just hearsay and who know whether or not it will be safe that weekend

  2. i wld suggest postpone your trip. as it is near 15 aug. the area is always on high alert even if nothing happens. and this time you have a whole new issue to deal with. mobs can be pretty dangerous. besides J&K highway is blocked by some fanatics & you hv to cross through.that makes it not a good idea for the time being

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