
Is it safe to wash black shirts with navy blue shirts and or shorts?

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will the black shirts fade, or is it ok as long as i dont wash them with white shirts, im using tide detergent




  1. Yeah, they should be fine. If you wash the clothes in cold water, they shouldn't bleed and you won't have to worry about staining or fading.

  2. ~~As long as you wash all dark clothes together you are fine. Just never mix with light pastels, whites or beige's, etc.~~

  3. Yep through em' in there. No B.S.

  4. Most fabrics today are colorfast but there are exceptions. To be safe I'd wash the black shirts by themselves the first time. After that it might be safe to wash them with the navy blue items. But don't wash them with light-colored clothes.

    The black will fade in time, no matter what.

  5. dark  colors   with  dark  colors

    light  colors  with  light  colors

    and  just to  be safe  stop  by the  detergent  isle  and pick up   a  box  of  'shout' color catchers ...a box  of  90  sheets   is  only  about 4 dollars

    add one to each  load  and  no  shirts  or  shorts  will ever  get  bleed  over marks again ...  

  6. yupp, just don't mix lights and darks

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