
Is it safer...?

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is it safer to have your window open or closed if it's thundering and lightning outside?




  1. It is safer with the window closed.  The fact that you have metal framing around the window even helps.  It will conduct the lightning around the window instead of into the room, similar to when you are in a car and the sheet metal of the car's body conducts the lightning around the outside of the car's body protecting you.

  2. closed, why would you have to ask ?

  3. well either way the window would most likely be shattered

    but closed is better the best option though is to stay away

    from windows if possible at a time like that.......

  4. I would say closed. I sometimes take cover like last night. There was lighning every two seconds. Hope this helps. Good Luck.



  5. If you're in a car, I would say closed.      If in a house, I would say open, because you could hear if a tornado was approaching.

  6. It doesn't make any difference.  Lightening strikes many things besides meta.  It strikes trees, for instance, all the time.  You see we have to understand what condutivity is about.  When we think about things that conduct electricity we naturally think about metals.  But when you are talking about electrical energy on the scale of lightening, almost anything will serve as a conductor.  

    Modern homes and older homes that have been brought up to electrical code are about as safe as you can get.  I have personal experience in this.  My Mother's home was struck by lightening while I was there.  It has a modern electrical system and it preformed its intended task perfectly.  The only casualty was the central air conditioning unit which is what the lightening actually struck.  

    The electricity ran to the main service panel where it tripped the main breaker and then followed the grouding circuit outside and harmlessly into the ground.  No one was hurt and no other damage (except for replacement of the grounding circuit) occured.  

    If you are truly concerned about the safety of your home, have a licensed electrician examine your electrical system to make sure it is  installed properly and has not been tampered with since it was installed.  If you are not up to code he can probably bring you up to code without much effort or expense.


  7. i would have to say closed.
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