
Is it safer to drink boiled water or water from a filtered system?

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I have been wondering about this lately. Which do you think is safer to drink? Water that has been boiled and cooled down or tap water that has been through a filtered system? Thanks !




  1. Yep boiled is better, gets rid of bacteria.

  2. If the filter system is designed to filter inorganic and organic, the filter is better.

  3. boiled and filtered

  4. If there is high mineral content in your tap water, then boiling will increase the concentration, which depending on what's in the water, it could or could not be harmful. Filtered will certainly taste better. Safest would be distilled water, especially if you have a distiller at home.

  5. Well boiling will kill any organisms in the water. However the steam that is left off is pure water and it leaves all of the other contaminents behind and now more concentrated than before.

    A filter is a basic system. It will remove a few things but is not rated to filter out any organisms.

    Your best bet is to just use a purification system. They get out much more than a simple basic filter would and usually remove organisms too.

    Out of the two though I would rather use a filter. There is always stuff in the water but the percentage of live stuff being in there is so slim I would rather drink the filtered water than conentrate all of the contaminates by boiling.

  6. 50/50

    try them both, and see which you prefer the taste to - and then drink that one..

  7. I prefer boiled because i know for sure it get rids of everything but i never tried any so i guess it's up to you. =)

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