
Is it scary to be homeless?

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Is it scary to be homeless?




  1. For some people, always. Others, one supposes, get used to it. If you really want to know, go to a shelter and ask there. Most people on this site have no personal experience.

  2. For some people I'm sure it is, but there are some people that have good jobs that choose to be homeless. They collect cans, find food and clothing, and just help other homeless people out. They feel that it is their calling from God.

  3. I imagine it would be for us.Homeless people(your talking about bums on the street right?)generally have mental problems, they probably cant even comprehend what has happend to put them in that situation,quite sad really

  4. Well I mean, unless sleeping any random place out in public and not knowing how you'll survive the next day isn't scary, then no! It's fine! To everyone else it's scary.

  5. It was very scary for me.

    At the time I was just discharged from the Marine Corps, dishonorably by the way, and had no idea as to where I was going, what I was going to do, or anything else. Plus, I did not know how to live on the street.

    There is danger everywhere and DO NOT listen to anyone who tells you different. Theives, rapists, murderers, drug addicts, etc.

    Now look, I'm no weakling, I'm not a punk or a homosexual. There was nothing about me that said I was an easy mark. But still, I was by myself and I was afraid. And the prospect of making 'friends' with someone under those conditions is extremely foolish and irresponsible because you have no idea what their motives are or their particular predilictions.

    The unknown is definitely a scary proposition, for anyone, I believe.

  6. i would think yes

  7. hahaha your obviously asking the wrong crowd here a homeless person would not have internet let alone a room to put a computer in, be thankful for what you got

  8. no its super exciting..great job opportunitys

  9. ah h**l yes, wouldn't you be scared if you found urself homeless with no roof over your head, no place to call home, or rest in, no bathroom and you would probably stink and have no clothes except for the ones you are wearing which are worn out and ripped????

    and ppl would walk past you on the sidewalk either ignoring you or looking you up and down with disgust???

    Now you tell me... is it scarey to be homeless???

  10. Well it would be for me! no tv ,no computer ( no yahoo answers) ,no proper cooked meals!

  11. Well lets think about that... dangers from  street gangs or other mentally unbalanced homeless folks,death from starvation or hypothermia,no acess to health care,etc,....Yeah I'd say it sounds pretty horrific!!!

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