
Is it selfish?

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I am a stay at home mum of 2. My youngest is 9months old. My husband is a chef and works split shifts running 2 kitchens. I would like to not only contribute to the family income but I would also like to do something for myself. Next year, I would like to attend night school/class in pathology specimen collection. The class is going to be a couple of grand plus books and extras. When I am finished and qualified, I will be able to get a good stable job. Do you think it would be selfish of me to spend that much money and enrol?




  1. No its definately not selfish. You shouldn't put your life on hold cos one day you might wake up with nothing and wonder why you didn't take the chance.

  2. You can most likely get help paying for it so you don't have to. Or a loan that dosn't kick in to be paid off till after you have the new job and such. there are a lot of options out there. It is never selfish to want to better ones situation especially when it comes to a family.

  3. do you live in sydney? if so you can get it for less! not selfish at all! good on you for wanting to be a supportive partner and mother:)

  4. You are very lucky girl indeed to have a supportive husband!! Go for it girl and do your best!! That's the best way to pay back your husband.

    However, if you go ahead with this course don't forget to spend as much time as you can with your family. They love you so much and they deserve your time and attention.

    Good luck!!

  5. no it isn't selfish of you go for it

  6. as long as ur committed, go for it. It aint selfish

  7. If you can afford to do it why not? If you can't though, I don't think you should, you should make sure that you have the funds behind you to do it. Also, check with your husband, he might want to be the bread winner. He might want to show you that he can do something for the family, just like you did by giving him 2 children, and a wife.

    If you can afford it though, you should definatly do it.

    Your childrean aren't going to be babies forever, you should take the chance. But you would have to arrange some sitters, because it your husband has 2 jobs, I can't see him being fit and able to look after 2 youngsters when he gets home from work.

    I think you should go for it though. Money these day's is hard to come by, it's good that you want to earn money and support your growing family.

    Well done I say, good luck.

  8. no its not, it will pay off. i say do it

  9. not at all, you need it to get prepared and soon the kids will be on a school timetable and you'll feel less necessary at home, go for it and good luck!

  10. i think it would be selfish if you didnt do it.

  11. Wow, that's the story of my life right now. My husband is a chef also and I'm a stay at home mom. I'm finishing my last semester of school right now and as you can see I have just finished a test and it is 5:30 a.m.

    I say go for it cause it will pay off in the future, but be prepared for tiring days and nonsense fights with your husband cause of fatigue.

    My daughter just turned 1, and since my husband has to work some days and all nights. His availability is limited to help around the house. We've adjusted somehow

  12. No it is not selfish because you are not only endeavoring to improve yourself, but your actions will have a positive impact on your family.  The reward will be two fold, you go girl and I am sure your hubby will be in your corner.  God Bless.

  13. no

  14. THAT IS SO NOT SELFISH.  In the long run going back to school will help your family.  It will be hard and you will need to work hard.  If you go and get a job after school you will get back the money you put in.  

    You would be helping the family.  BUT your kids are pretty young and who would watch them when you got the job?

  15. I have two kids and am pregnant with my last and am currently doing a $36,000 university degree so once my last is off to school I can get a good job with good money and more than help with the finances along side my partner. If you can afford it and have the time it is an excellent idea.

  16. there is nothing selfish about wanting your own career. even if you don't need the extra income you could still feel that little bit of freedom everyday by doing something different than your normal routine. i say go for it.

  17. Absolutely not!! You are a mother and a wife but you are still your own person & need other things to define you. How can it be selfish to be fulfilled and happy for your children and husband?

    It is also a great example for your kids to see you taking control and initivative in your life. Besides the course may be expensive initally but if it leads to bringing in extra income...surely it's worth it!

    Go for it & enjoy! Good luck.

  18. Money spent on education is never a waste. It might seen like a burden at the time, but once you are earning a good salary it pays itself off.

  19. You could if you really want to do it

    But if you have other interests and still want to contribute to the income, how about starting a business from home. Then you can be with the kids, bring in some money and when your kids do eventually go to school, do the course then. At least you will have a stable income by then?

  20. What does your husband think? You didn't mention this. . . Furthering your education is never selfish . . .Throwing a 3rd job on him to babysit while you are in school, is.  Check out scholarships, help for adults returning to school, for cutting down on tuition costs . . .See if your family, or his, would be willing to help in babysitting . . .All good moves . . .Good Luck

  21. The short answer is no. Perhaps if you were talking about pursuing something that made life more difficult and strenuous for your family that was purely for personal gain then it would be considered selfish but this is not what you are talking about. It will be a change that is temporary, perhaps a little costly, but after you have completed the course it will boost the income of your family and the whole family would benefit. Also, you would have a sense of independance from having a life that is seperate and your own and earn some money of your own. I do not see how this could ever be construed as selfish, unless your husband has said that he would like you to wait until your youngest is a little older and you want to push ahead without his support. If you were talking about running after dreams of being an actress or deciding you were going to take up an expernsive hobby your family could not afford I would tell you to think about the other people in your life and less about yourself- what you are proposing is an entirely different situation (one that sounds mature and well thought out.) I hope you do well in your course and good luck. :)

  22. I think that if you have the money to be able to do it then yes i would go for it!!

    it s great that you are able to go to school and get yourself a good job and have a supportive partner there as it makes it a lot easier for you and the kids....

    in the long run your hole family will be able to benefit from this and the effect on your own self worth too and that is something that you just can not put a price on.

    Go for it, I say do well and don't feel guilty over doing it after all it will help everyone in your home in the long run

  23. Of course not! You deserve to do something for yourself. I'm sure your husband would be thrilled for you to get a job. You could enrol your children in day care so you also have some time for yourself and also time to study!=) hope I helped you!!
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