
Is it sensible to lose weight in this time?

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Hi :)

I'm currently 9 stone = 126 pounds, and I'd like to be 8 stone, or 112.(Im quite short, not sure exactly how short, but 8 stone's a reasonable weight for me.)

My first weight loss goal is the September holiday weekend, starting on the 28th of September. What's a sensible amount to have lost by then? And could I lose that stone safely by Halloween?

Plus any diet/exercise tips you can give me would be amazing, thanks:)





  1. I'm don't think you would be down to 112 by september but if you eat healthy, and excersise you should be able to get down to 118?It is possible.Hope this helpeds

  2. You can find lots of diet and exercise tips on the site below.  As for your weight loss, you can probably lose about 8 pounds or so in a month.  You're not very big to begin with so you won't lose the weight super fast.  Have you tried the 5-4-3-2-1 diet before?  It's great for fast weight loss.  It's under the "Diet Plans" section.  Good luck!

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