
Is it serious for blood to come out during my cat doing his "business"?

by  |  earlier

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my cat is a 4 yr, old male cat who stays indoors. when he goes poo poo,a spot of bright red blood is on the tip of the poo. He had it months ago but it disappeared. I can't really afford the vet if not needed. His attitude never changed and he appears healthy. how concerned do i need to be?




  1. I recommend you take him to a vet because blood in the stool can become a serious problem in the future.  

  2. If cat is bleeding when it has a bowel movement, don't you think it would be wise to get off of dam computer and get it to the vet. The poor cat could have cancer and you don't really seem concerned

  3. If it's not going on right now I wouldn't worry about it.  

  4. As long as he is eating and drinking water he should be fine.  Now if you see blood in his urine that is serious.  Take him to the vet right away.

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