
Is it serious when u have a lump on your testes ??

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its painless ,, is it tumor?? or could be something else ??




  1. It can be serious if you have a lump anywhere on your body. There's a good chance it could be a tumor, even if it is harmless. Go to your doctor as soon as possible. He'd know best.  

  2. Your best bet would be to schedule an app. with your doctor A.S.A.P because it could be serious. But it is deffinitly worth getting it checked out. Good Luck mann!

  3. Been There.  Don't freak yet, but do make an appointment to see your Dr.

    I found a small mass attached to one of mine and it was a nothing to be concerned about, but it could have been.  Don't worry yourself unnecessarily, but don't ignore it. And most important, be frank about with your physician.  He's a professional and it's your health--talk to him/her.

  4. It's always potentially serious when you find a lump, particularly on your testicles.

    It could be anything, but you should go and see a doctor. Testicular cancer is unusual in that it primarly affects men under 40-it's always best to get checked out in case it could be that. The earlier you catch these things, the easier they are to treat.

    Of course, it could also be nothing, but whatever it is, going to see a doctor will at least put your mind at rest.

  5. OF COURSE, go to a doctor quickly because you might have AIDS or HIV.

  6. A spermatocele (epididymal cyst) is a sperm-filled cyst in the long, tightly coiled tube that lies above and behind each t******e (epididymis). It feels like a smooth, firm lump in the s*****m on top of the t******e.

    Often a spermatocele does not cause symptoms. You may notice what looks or feels like an extra lump or mass above the t******e on one side of your s*****m, or a general enlargement of your s*****m. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, swelling, or redness of the s*****m or a feeling of pressure at the base of the p***s.

    In any case, see a doctor now, before your balls fall off.

  7. I went to the docotor because I thought I might have testes cancer and he told me I didn't because I didn't have any lumps or swelling.  You might should see a specialist, but don't let yourself get freaked out.  If it is they can take it out and put in a fake one.  The fake one will only be a place holder, it wouldn't really do anything.

  8. YES!!!  Go to your doctor now.

  9. If it's soft and smooth, and there's no pain, it shouldn't be anything you need to worry about.  If it's hard and has edges you can feel through the skin, like a pebble, then you should see your doctor.  Also, if the lump is at the top of the t******e, you're probably feeling the Epididymis; which is just a part of your anatomy.  If you're concerned about this lump, see your physician to be properly evaluated.

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