
Is it shocking to see the level of liberal hate yahoo allows to stand as questions and answers ?

by Guest66705  |  earlier

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Is it shocking to see the level of liberal hate yahoo allows to stand as questions and answers ?




  1. this is not north korea or iran, we have free speech, readers just have to seperate the different opinions, most people are intelligent enough to know the truth. just let the liberal left say what they want, we know better.

  2. There is freedom of speech, so if they did sensor something, they might be in trouble with a forum like this. Is it shocking, perhaps. I feel a level of age verification should be set up. It is shocking at some of the young people on here and their questions. Plus, they can read stuff they should not be able to. Point taken.

  3. If you mean that it's shocking to see how many people hate Liberals, then no. I'm glad.

  4. I have no idea what you are saying "liberal hate yahoo"? stand "ask?" questions???

    Please use English if you want any answers

  5. Not shocking at all, they delete my questions when they think its a conservative asking.

    Delete this and I'll know.

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