
Is it silly to ignore the democratic process of the UN to start a war to bring democracy to another country?

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Is it silly to ignore the democratic process of the UN to start a war to bring democracy to another country?




  1. No. The UN is a joke and it is not in our National interest to be beholden to the UN.

  2. Uh.. the UN is not a democracy. They don't "govern" over any country. We are a sovereign nation, remember?

    Remember this:

    They voted and approved "serious consequences" if Sadam did not come clean.( he had not on the previous 17 resolutions)

    Sadam knew the UN was a joke so he did nothing.

    The real question is why the very same countries who voted yes to "serious consequences" all of a sudden vote no to the use of force?

    Can you say Oil for Food Scandal.  They had their reasons to vote no, and it wasn't because they don't like war.

    We were the only country to put even a hint of backbone into that pathetic organization

  3. WHO CARES what the UN says about ANYTHING??!!?! What did the UN say about Rwanda and the genocide (they never even acknowledged it was genocide) that was taking place while THEIR OFFICERS stood "guard" over the people there, and then withdrew...

    WHO CARES what that stupid joke has to say about even what their members want for lunch, let alone world affairs...

    What did the precious UN say when Bill Clinton said we were going to war against Iraq and that they posed a great threat?

  4. Do you mean the "United Nuts?"

    The UN is ignored by many countries when it collieds with their agenda.

    Iran is ignoring the UN right now, and they (Iran) signed an agreement not to build nukes.  But that's okay cause you wouldn't want to pick on them.

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