
Is it smart if i do this or is it extremely dumb?

by  |  earlier

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well i have to drive really early in the morning tomorrow and i was wondering if i should just take 20 minute naps tonight (its 12:34 where i live) until i have to drive (6:30 a.m) because i cannot fall asleep :( thanks.




  1. Try staying up and once you get there and then go to sleep there while your at where your at drink coffee or eat somethingg withsugarr OR keep yourself distracted and not think of your sleepy.

  2. im having that exact same problem right now... umm ya.. one time i stayed up for 4 days straight.. all ya have to do is LOAD UP on the coffee tomorrow!  and ya you should take naps

  3. I have to wake up at 6:00am and its 12:44am right now. Im going to sleep as much as I can. If I am tired when I go to school, Ill just drink an Amp.

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