
Is it smart to have cats around a young child?

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  1. If I remember correctly that was also on America's Funniest Home Videos.  I think you need to be careful with any animals you have around  young kids.  Honestly I think that cat was intending to play, but cats in general should probably be declawed if they are to be around young children or babies.  You have to keep a close eye on them.

  2. It depends on the cat.

    We got cats before our daughter was born and they allowed her to pull, bite, tackle, play ruff with them but other cats didn't like her at all.

  3. I don't have any kids... but if and when I do.. I will make sure we always have animals in the house. I think they teach compassion, caring, responsibility... the list goes on and on. Not to mention a dog is a kid's best friend.

    Having cats and dogs around reduces chances of allergies and asthma.

    I love my pets like they were my children... and I want my kids to love animals too.... so yes, in my opinion, it is smart.  

  4. Yes! It helps reduce chances of asthma!

  5. Connor and Riley's Mommy would let a cat claw her children to death.  She's so irresponsible.

  6. Depends on how young the child is or how young the cat is. If the child is a newborn, the cat can suffocate the child. The cat can also claw the child and bite it. Either young or old. I would only recommend a cat to a child who is older. Children think of animals as stuffed toys, sometimes animals don't take it well. I recently had a cat 'n my old yr. old son thought it was a stuffed toy or something 'n the cat attacked him.. the cat went buh bye quick. Also, when u have a newborn 'n ur cat isn't fixed, they often like to stray or p*ss all over ur childs stuff, including it's bedding 'n stuff. Be careful.

  7. Depends on the cat, we got a cat when our daughter was 6 months old and no problems..

  8. I have a cat that is the same age as my daughter about 6 months. And on occasion she does scratch her when just intending to play. But I don't think it is dangerous. Kids get hurt in a million ways and a little cat scratch isn't gonna kill them. She loves the cat all the same and loves to watch her and she gets excited and giggles at her all the time.  

  9. As long as there not allergic it should be okay.

    if they itch there skin at all, sneeze often, get woozy then its probably best not to have them.

    also as long as you are there when your child is with the cat to make sure she doesent do anything silly it should be fine .

    hope this helped :)

  10. Yeah, why wouldn't it be?  As long as you keep their claws trimmed and make sure the child doesn't pull on the cat's tail or whiskers, there shouldn't be a problem.

  11. Is it smart? I don't know about smart, I'd say neutral, but I watched that video and I doubt that kind was seriously harmed. I have a one year old and we have four cats in the house and we've never had a problem. Of course, all of the cats are declawed and have had all thier shots and I would never leave an infant unattended with them, just incase, but I don't see the harm in supervised interaction with declawed cats. I wouldn't have her around cats with claws though.

  12. I love children, because

    I run faster then them. <3



    (") (")


  13. I have 8 rescue cats and a 7 yr old  4 and 12 month old we have no problem!

  14. I would say that it is NOT smart to have the cat in the video around children and possibly adults as well.  I do have a cat that is great with kids and lets my daughter dress her and carry her around like a baby

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