
Is it smart to leave everything behind and move to Syria to be with my husband?

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My husband, a syrian citizen, got a job that he's happy with, at his home country, Syria. I live in US. I have already visited him there, but I didn't like it too much... However, he has decided he would like us to live there permanently... Should I leave everything to be with my husband and live with him in Syria? Please, only serious answers...




  1. Personally I would not. I would be miserable being so far from my home. Maybe the two of you aren't meant to be together.  DId the two of you discuss this before you got married?

  2. No. I don't have a lot of time to expand, but no.

  3. My best friend is fromt here and I have visted her. Yesh go and be with your husband you could always come back home on holidays. Is a lot fun there they have historic cites there and one of the cities there have a nice beach you would like it.

  4. You couldnt pay me to live in Syria.

  5. I would strongly advise against it. Syria is a known enemy of the USA so that is bad going in; people will not help you and will be against you on that basis alone. If you have children, you will never be able to get them out of the country. If your husband gets upset with you, you will be entirely at his mercy with no one to help you at all. Once you're over there you will find it difficult if not impossible to come back to the USA. You went there you did not like it and that tells you everything. You will like it less if you go there to live.

  6. Change is always difficult but it's what your husband wants. I realize it's asking a lot of you but why don't you live there for a while before you make a decision. you've visited him, try living... There's a difference. And if it still doesn't work out, speak to your husband... Address your concerns. I'm sure the two of you will work something out.

    Quick question: If you got a job in a place outside the US, a job you loved and you really wanted to take it up, would your husband move there with you?

    I think he would. because it would make you happy and that's what you really want. Give Syria a chance. I hear it's a nice place. Or just take it as an extended vacation with your husband....

  7. all the things you are considering with this new proposition, should be discussed with your husband.  he needs to know what you are feeling about this and why.  

    we cannot help you make this decision.  it must come from a compromise between you and your husband.

    good luck.

  8. Noooooo!

  9. Please don't get upset with my answer, but I just don't understand how a married man/woman can take a job offer at another country? Before he moved there, there should be a talk between the two of you. What was his plan? Is the job/career more important for him than his family? Personally, I would not let this situation happen to me. Either we both decide to move/stay or say our good-buys to each other.

    Are you an American citizen? Will your citizenship be in jeopardy if you decide to move to Syria? Keep in mind, when you decide you want to move, give your 100% to try to stay there and make it work.  

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