
Is it smart to selll my psp and get an i touch?

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Is it smart to selll my psp and get an i touch?




  1. I would say yes if your music is more important than video games. I know on the iphones you can buy video games for it, so maybe you can even do the same for the itouch. But if your video games are more important, then why not stick with the psp since you can have music on there.

  2. No.  What is smart is to get the minimal device that does what is required.  I have a cell phone for calls to and from those with whom I wish to communicate.  I have an Ipod for music, etc.  Why complicate matters by getting an Itouch which is a telephone that thinks it is a TV.

  3. The iPod touch is still pretty expensive right now. The PSP sells for less than $200, whereas the iPod is at least $300. The PSP also has a larger screen, at 4.3" vs. 3.5" for the touch.

    Personally, I don't think it's worth selling the PSP at this point. I'm waiting, myself, for the next round of hardware; if there's an evolution in the PSP, or a price drop in the iPod touch line. That's more a matter of opinion, though.

    There are to be more games coming out for the iPod touch, some of which use the ability to move the actual iPod around as part of the controls.. though there aren't too many releases out there, now, and I think it'll take a little while for developers to catch on to this. It could, of course, be a viable option in the future, as a gaming platform, though currently I think the PSP still wins out.

  4. look at apple refurbs.

    thats all i buy.

    they are basically brand new.

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