
Is it snowng where you are..It is snowing here.West Scotland.?

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Is it snowng where you are..It is snowing here.West Scotland.?




  1. 10.27 am in Norfolk, sunshine but very cold wind. OK?

  2. It never snows here in Mississippi.  I have probably only seen snow once in my life, and I am 24 years old.

  3. ~Finally we have our first snow!!!

    Our weather is say crazy just yesterday it was in the 70s~

  4. Not here in Essex. The sun is shining in a blue sky!

  5. yes its snowing and hailstone with some gails, gtr manchester. oh the suns come out now.

  6. its a lovely sunny day here is suffolk.windy tho!

  7. yeah im in cardonald college in glasgow, and is snowing :-)

  8. We dont get snow in London

  9. no snow here in south wales at the moment! it is sunny.

  10. Not yet.

    The forecast for Berkshire is slow flurries tomorrow, but at the moment we have bright sunshine.

  11. Snow on ground here (Ayrshire) but currently sunny so I don't expect it to last. I have taken pictures as it is such a rare sight.

  12. No snow here in the Midlands, beautiful sunshine

  13. It was in Jerusalem.

  14. glasgow here..snowing but wont last long i see the sun..

  15. No, it is nice and sunny here in Shropshire, UK.

  16. No snow, sunny day here in London.

  17. It just stopped in Glasgow.It just came back on heavy.

  18. no snow at the moment but should be some coming soon as the forecast predicts.I live in north east so we could get snow by the afternoon.

  19. it was snowing where i was in the West of Scotland about 12.00pm, then again later on, but it didn't come to anything

  20. Yes.Can't see out of the window ! North Sutherland.

  21. Yes, and we're supposed to get 3-5 inches tonight, here in Wisconsin.

  22. No, it is not snowing here in northern Minnesota. Very cold ,though - 1 above Fahrenheit.

  23. No, it never snows here.  I live in Queensland, Australia.  At the moment (8:04pm Monday) it is 24 degrees centigrade.  We are just moving into our autumn.  I have never seen snow.  I am 49.

  24. No, bright, sunny day in London.

  25. Hasn’t stopped yet.

  26. i,m in suffolk east anglia,it,s sunny and a bit of a breeze :)  we never get snow round here :(

  27. You're lucky. Haven't seen decent snow over here in Edinburgh for years.  It's totally baltic though.

    So who is the bright spark that gave me the Thumbs Down & Why?  I usually only give Thumbsdown to someone who is being a racist A-hole or who is obviously a spammer.  It's hardly very polite to give thumbsdown to someone giving a valid answer.

  28. Snowing very heavily here, far north Scotland .

  29. Nope not yet......but it feels like it will be here any minute (north east - durham)

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