
Is it so bad to accept gifts/money from guys whether you are interested in dating them or not?

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Is it so bad to accept gifts/money from guys whether you are interested in dating them or not?




  1. yes its ok for a prsotitute to accept gifts\money from her clients.

  2. If you are interested in them I see nothing wrong with accepting gifts.  I do not think accepting money is acceptable unless you are in a committed relationship with him and he is helping you out in some way.

    If you are not interested you should not be accepting any of these things.  That is called using a person.

    All the same applies to men as well.

  3. Its called leading people on, it would be the same thing when a guy gets a girl to have s*x with him by making her believe he is in love when he isn't.

    You are making these guys think you are interested when you aren't.

  4. no it isn't if its from a good frien..

  5. Except when we're talking about a close guy friend, I believe the proper term for a person who does that is "greedy b__ch."

  6. Well, I never actually got offered any gifts or money by men who were not already going out with me.  do men often give gifts and money to women they're not involved with?  It never happened to me.  I think I would have been a bit taken aback if it had happened.  It seems to me that any man offering gifts to a woman is probably hoping to get her interested, and accepting gifts from him would probably give him the wrong impression, so I wouldn't think it was a very good idea.  If he offered her money, then frankly I would think that he had probably mistaken her for a prostitute.

  7. Well, if the feelings are mutual...I don't see anything wrong in accepting gifts, loans, ect...

    But if it's one sided, and the person that has the feelings is the also the person giving the gifts, the person that accepts those gifts is a greedy w***e.   It's a hurtful and cruel thing to do to lead someone on that you know has true feelings for you and cares about you when you don't give a rat's behind for them.

  8. If you perceive it to be a gift of sincerity, then by all means keep it, but if you think you're just taking money from a fool, then you are a certain type of w***e.

  9. CERTAINLY.... Get Serious.

  10. You need to explain why these guys are giving you gifts and money.  If they are friends who are giving you a birthday or Christmas gift or something along those lines - there's nothing wrong with that.  It is perfectly OK for one friend to give another friend a gift on a special occassion and gender plays no role.  Just friendship.

  11. Gifts, yes why not, it could always end up just "being nice" and you can all be friends.


    (No, but take it anyways.)

    Money... now why would they give you money? I think you shouldn't take it, rumors might spread of prostitution.


  12. yes if you are interested,

    and no if youre not, i think its bad its just like youre just using him to get wat you want.

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