
Is it so hot where u live that even the AC is not helping cool your place down?

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That's how i feel right now. I got my AC at it's highest & it still feels a lil warm in my room.




  1. Its forever hot in Singapore, but its great that its been raining. But not now :( So its so hot and my aircond died on me, sucks big time. When I on it and put it at the coolest temperature, it will still be so hot. Gahh, can someone tell me how nice winter is?

  2. OMG Scooter you are so cute!~!!!!  Dont' you just want to throw yourself down and kiss your cute little squirrel face?  

    LOL Anyway, window ac's are not going to work that well with the heat the way it is, my central is working great though.

  3. very hot...very humid...but i have central air and its very cool in my house..almost cold

  4. no the AC IS AT 68 degrees and it is 91 outside =]

  5. here its hot one minute and cold the next.

    we got a storm coming i think.


    but thats never happened to me. how hot is it where u live?

  6. Oh my gosh, you're so CUTE!

    Yes, it's hot here, and I'm ready for Christmas weather again. Isn't that crazy?

    You're cute! I want to kiss your little squirrely face!

  7. really hot. but i have no air conditioning! its 6:30 and im tired of the all-day hotness! its been rediculus for 3 days now! HELP!  lol

  8. YES!!!!

    its like 96 outside right now (cleveland ohio), its not even so much the heat as the humidity. i cant stop sweating LOL


  9. It is freakin" HOT!  I drive a school bus and it is almost unbearable today.  I am hot, the kids are hot and it doesn't mix well!  Fortunately, one of the kids mothers always meets me with a nice icy drink on days like this so there is hope!

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