
Is it so important to become Christian?

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So many foreign people here asking me join the Christian church. Maybe yes they are good people but is new thing to me to learn about Christian god. Because many year i live simple living like Buddist people - some Christian no like my thinking. my thinking is mix up now because of Christian people here. Maybe you can help me to think more clearly so i give my thanks to you.




  1. Yin, Buddha taught a way to live ones life. It has become complicated with rituals, but one does not have to participate unless they choose to do so.

    Jesus was also a messenger, and stated that he was the way. However the Romans took his teachings and turn then in to a religion, with illogical dogma.

    You may want to research the thinking but I am sure that you way of life and you belief system is correct for you.

  2. No, it is not important to become a Christian.  Buddism itself is a good religion.  Not buddism, but all the religions in this world preach only good things, and some not-applicable-things are present in all the religions.  No religion is superior or inferior to any other.  Each has its own benifits or side-effects.

    Christians (particularly who want to spread Christianity) live in the delusion that Jesus is the only real god and the other gods are just evil manifestations or plainly satan.  So they believe that it is a duty or obligation to save the people of other religion from getting in to the clutches of evilness.  That is how they have been preached.

    If you ask me, it is plain bullshit.  No one from no religion have seen their particular gods.  What they read and believe is what the previous generation people have written in books like the Bible and the Quran.  All religions have originated like that.  Then, how can one particular religion claim that its god is the real god and other gods and religions are dummies.  It is one way a self-centered attitude and indirectly satisfy their ego.  They want to spread their religion as they assume their religion is the superior religion.  There is no logic in it.

    Every religion is a good religion.  So there is no need to convert to other religion.  But in spite of all this, if u firmly believe that changing to Christianity can give you peace of mind, change to that religion.

  3. From what I have just read before writing my answer I think all the answerers give you the keys for you to make a good decision for you, and you alone, for the christian are numerous and they feel already good together, they do not need you to feel good. BUT, read what I say and you will see other aspects of christians' way of building relationships...

    When asking us this question about the "importance to become Christian", I would like to say two things:

    - First, it is important to become Christian for the people you have just met and for them only, because if they succeed in making you become a Christian, they will feel more confortable in their church because of your behaviour of acceptance. Why? Because, their preachers want them to go and get more and more christians in their churches because a group of religious people is like any other group whether political or social, they need to be numerous to keep a good way of life together.

    - Second, it is important to become Christian for the person who talked to you about christianity because if you say "yes", this person will have the ability to say that "she/he converted you", and this person will never say so but will find confidence in himself/herself to go on doing "his/her mission" which he/she thinks is encouraging other people who do not completely belong to their religious community to do the same as what he/she does to you. Remember that, in all cases, if you become Christian, you will also have accepted that idea of "converting other people" or else you will be considered as a very "cold" christian and you will have to learn that "cold" christians are not what God wants, and that is what people from the church will say to you!!! They will also pray for you, for you to accept that you are "wrong to think that you can just go and pray without converting others" because "The Lord said go and make all people become sons of God" and you must "obey God", which means "you must obey US"!!

    My opinion is just a piece of advice: if you need friends and if you think these people can make you live a good time in their country, you can just say that you like being with them but that you want them to stop thinking that you are not a Christian because as a Buddist, you have already learnt how to respect other people's religion and you expect christians to have learned the same as their Jesus said that "the good news, the Gospel, was for everyone who believes" and no christian whosoever has been given a single right on a human being's spirit and thought and faith as it is an intimate matter. You are right to say that you need PEACE and LOVE and not constant discussions or arguments on FAITH because there is nothing to discuss about it and you do not understand why they are doing so! You are right to say "MY FAITH IS AN INTIMATE FAITH AND YOUR GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT IT"!

    If you cannot manage to say so, then I am sure there are other groups whith people would be more friendly and who would not be so intrusive, other groups in other churches where they do not try to convert people. They exist but are rare. You could also find other groups if you had a specific hobby or if you wanted to learn new things. Usually, you can find addresses at the social centre of the town where you live or at the mayor's. Please consider that "religion" is not the only place where you will feel good; at university, at schools, there are people who train people or who create groups in which it is not religion which federates but other topics. Good luck!

  4. I look at it this way:

    Faith is what's in your heart, and religion is a political body.  What you believe is more important than the group you belong to.  If you feel comfortable with the people in the church, and with what they believe, then by all means, join.  But if it doesn't mesh with what you believe, or if you don't feel comfortable with the beliefs they express, then just be true to yourself, and what you believe.

  5. no only if it feels rite to u go wit wat u feel in ur heart and use ur basic reasoning skills to decide wat is rite for u

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