
Is it so wrong for women to want to see a woman win a high office like President or VP?

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Is it sooo wrong for women to want to see a woman achieve a position such as President or Vice President? Many Blacks are supporting Obama because they want to see a black president in their life why is it wrong to want to see a woman break the glass ceiling? and is the idea that a woman can't have a family and a career in such a high position.. a prime example of what it means to be on the mommy tract?? Should women be offended that so many are attacking Palin's daughter for being pregnant??




  1. im hectically offended that most people are so sexist and that women are judged so harshly for mistakes that they don't even make like hillary with bill and now palin with her daughter. and being pregnant is not a crime last i checked neither does it mean the grandmother or mother should give up jobs they are qualified to do. its like woman are allowed to only raise kids but not get into politics or anything else thats considered a mans domain if they do people look for any reason to disqualify them

  2. NO. It's Great. I want to see a woman in the white house. I would have preferred Hillary, but Sarah just won't do. I don't KNOW her, I can relate to Hillary. h**l, she stood by her man. Sarah....IDK, something about her ain't right. Plus she was a beauty pageant queen, they are catty people

  3. The attack on Palin for her daughter being pregnant has nothing to do with the fact that Palin is a woman seeking the VP position.

    It has to do with the Republican "holier-than-thou" morality mentality that they have been pressing since I was born.  Quite a bit earlier than that, actually.  

    Its a two-fold question.  How can Republicans attack Democrats for trying to help out young women if they are now going to forgive Palin for having a daughter who got pregnant.  Republicans have repeatedly attacked Democrats as encouraging teen pregnancy.  Now their own VP candidate is in the situation, and not a peep against her.  Quite the opposite, there is even an attempt to paint this as a virtue.

    Now I will tell you right now that I agree that Palin is not at fault here, and that her willingness to support her daughter should be commended.  The attack is not against Palin herself.

    The attack is against Republicans as a whole.  Why are they holding the Democrats to a higher standard then they hold themselves?  If the Democrats were wrong on teen pregnancy, so is Palin now.  If Palin is right now, the Democrats were right before and the Republicans need to apologize for their attacks on Democrat morality.

    The second major attack that is being sent at Palin but is more directed at McCain is her experience.  

    She has practically none.  She has some, but fairly little.  Not a big deal, it really isn't; because Palin has shown strong judgement.

    Where the problem comes in is that McCain said that judgment does not matter without experience.  Fair enough, some will agree and some won't, but it does make some sense.

    But if Obama's claim that judgement should matter as much as experience is wrong, then isn't it just as wrong with Palin.  So if McCain insists that Obama's judgement is not enough, then how does he explain going with Palin when her experience is even smaller?

    The only way to explain it is that judgement is at least as important as experience.  That, or McCain simply picked her because she is a woman and he believes that's enough to pull Hillary voters to his side.

    If its the first, than how does McCain explain his judgement in siding with Bush so often.  Bush is at least as bad for Conservatives as he is for Liberals.  He spends like crazy, is in the pocket of big business, has a warmongering attitude but has no war sense...He's just bad for everyone.  So why did McCain show such poor judgement in siding with him so often.

    And if its the second, then McCain is saying he thinks women are stupid enough to vote on gender and not issues.  Its okay to want a woman in a high office, but not an incompetent woman.  If McCain believes that lack of experience means incompetence (as he says is true of Obama), then why would he pick an incompetent woman and then assume women all over will vote for her despite her incompetence?

    So the question is, does McCain think Palin is incompetent, or is McCain himself incompetent?  Based on what McCain has said so far, at least one of those has to be true.

    As far as your actual question, it is not wrong to want to see a woman attain either office.  As I said before, the attack has less to do with Palin and more to do with Republicans as a whole.  But Palin is quite impressive.  I don't consider her incompetent.  But I do consider McCain to be so.

    And if gaining an competent woman in the VP slot means gaining an incompetent man in the Presidency, I don't think that's a good enough tradeoff to warrant voting Palin into the VP spot.

  4. You asked two unrelated questions.

    1.  No one said it's wrong for women to seek and achieve high office, India, Israel, and the U.K. have all had extremely effective female heads of state.  The question has always been about these particular women, not women in general.  The Radical Feminists keep trying to obscure that by simply screaming "Women" as if there could be no difference between Hillary's and Palin's views and politics because they are both women.  Esther Hobart Morris was elected as a Justice of the Peace in Wyoming in 1870, the first woman to hold public office in the U.S., and that was nearly half a century before women could even vote, so it's not like outstanding women don't have a chance.

    2.  You are placing all women into one category and speaking of them as a mindless homogeneous group, when Palin and her supporters have spent years denouncing and attacking single mothers, why should those women feel insulted to see Palin's daughter treated exactly the same way Palin treated them?  

  5. not at all..women have been moving up corporate ladders for years..we now have women generals..senators...governors..why not VP's..

  6. No. I would love to see a woman in it some day, it would be horrible for it to be "wrong" for us to feel that way.

    HOWEVER...I am NOT voting for someone based only on their gender, color, or any other stupid superficial c**p like that. In order for me to vote for a woman, I'm going to have to agree with her views and ideas just as much as I feel that way about male candidates. Yes a woman someday, but it has to be the right one with the right ideas. I'm not a big  Hillary fan, but Palin is of NO comparison to her, Hillary far out ahead of this woman.

    I dislike Palin because of her views, and quickly losing even more respect over the deal of the evangelical holier than thou type Christian having a pregnant teen daughter...

  7. It's not her gender I'm opposed to, its her ideology.

    Women should base their decision on whatever they want to, it's their right as citizens, but I can't see them surrendering their right to choice, equal pay for equal work, ending the war, cutting middle class taxes, and health care just to elect a woman.

  8. No. Yes. No. No. And yes.


  9. I would love to see a woman President or V.P. but not this woman. There are so many Republican women that he could have chosen that were well more qualified. In fact, even though I am for Obama. If McCain would have won I would love to have seen him with a woman V.P .I actually think that he chose this one because he felt he could control her.So sue me for my thoughts.  

  10. You can voter for who you choose but voting only because of someones race, religion or gender doesn't seem right.

  11. Nothing wrong with a woman for a VP. Obama could have had an excellent one  in Hillary. However, I'm not going to vote for anyone based on skin  color or gender. I'm an issues person.

  12. I am more impressed with Palin as a person, than just a woman. You have a point, what is the difference b/n supporting Obama b/c he is black and wanting to see a woman vice president? Not just ANY woman though, Palin has her act together.

    The sad and pathetic attacks about her daughter only tell me that the democrats are scared of her and desperate to bring her down any tasteless way possible!

  13. of course Not. But, since Hillary isn't the nominee, we need Obama to carry on her torch. They both have the same belief system.

  14. I'm a Dem and I would never approve of a teenage daughter becoming pregnant. It just goes to show that they lack a clear parental home life...and what does this say about their morals? I thought abstinence was the Christian answer to teen pregnancies...this shows that it doesn't work.

  15. nothing wrong and actually the democrats first nominated a woman vp, Geraldine Ferraro,  24 years ago, before Palin's kids were born, or pregnant  (--sorry cheap shot--though it does speak to her parenting ability and the irony of he "family values" positioning)    Actually I think it would be hard for African-American's to vote for McCain who voted again Martin Luther King Day..      

  16. No there is nothing wrong with wanting a woman in high office, Unfortunately most Dems believe we have our place in the kitchen. Thats why I am voting for Mccain. He is willing to place a woman in the high Office. This is the change we need.

  17. I would love to see a woman in the White House, but it has to be the right woman at the right time. I don' t feel that Sarah Palin is the right woman.  I feel attacking her or her daughter for being pregnant is wrong, but it also shows that maybe she should spend more time with her family right now.  She has a newborn, with down's syndrome no less.  Newborns command a ton of attention, let alone a newborn with special needs. I think she is being very selfish. I think people should vote based on issues, not gender or race.  

    Also, is a conservative point of view that women belong in the kitchen, just because Hillary didn't hold the golden ticket, doesn't mean it's because she was a woman.

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