
Is it society or nature that makes women prefer to be protected by a capable man?

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For example, at times when I have felt like a man was following me and it's made me scared/nervous I have either called my male friends or my boyfriend and asked them to come meet me somewhere. It's never crossed my mind to ask a gal pal to come to the rescue, which I find odd because when we are children who do we go to when we get hurt and need to feel safe or comforted? Mommy. Little kids always want Mommy to make everything better, so why doesn't this preference for women carry over into adult-hood? Also, women tend to find bigger, stronger looking men to be more attractive over tiwggier or scrawny guys. Is this because of this need to be protected by a strong male? Is it nautre telling us that men are supposed to be protectors or is it society telling women that we are the weaker s*x and need men to protect us. What's your opinion?




  1. it's nature baby , don't fight it

  2. i think it is nature for women to look for help from strong men.  I think women  are the weaker s*x in the society, Little children want to help from Mommy, it is because mommy is their reliable person in life. It is natural for weaker to look for help from stronger.

  3. If you strongly suspect a man is following you and you are alone, perhaps in a dimly-lit area, DIAL 911.  It doesn't matter if its a male or female voice that answers.  

  4. AH!!  Nature or Nurture????   I wonder?

  5. It's hard to say; there's never really been a definitive answer on whether nature trumps nurture or vice-versa. I know that I prefer to protect myself and to date skinny guys, so it certainly wouldn't be natural for me.

  6. idk, but as Fro has been saying, it doesn't apply to me so I don't give a ****!

    I know how to fight and I'm not weak. I rely on no man to protect me and would take my life for anybody, man or woman, if it came down to that. No one protects me... I can protect myself. I often go alone walking at night occasionally if I feel depressed or can't sleep. It's not scary. I always feel protected because I know I can fend for myself and if needed risk my life for others. Of course, that's just me, a feminist. So thumbs down me for being a strong woman...

    I do work out everyday... that might have something to do for it. And I have a self less attitude and a feministic attitude.

    edit: I sort of agree with Rio in that I can protect myself and such and don't rely on guys to protect me. My friends and I at sleepovers may ride over to our local park about a mile away at midnight sometimes and such. We know we can fight, and are strong and self less women. But also, I have no problem with dating muscular men who are stronger than me or skinny men who are weaker. It's about the mind for me.

  7. neither cos women do not prefer protection and no man is capable!

    sounds as weird as the!

    my opinion is, this question is based on generalization and personal experience makes it biased as well.

  8. Neither, its down to a women's preference of what shes desires in a man.

    Not all women want to be protected by a man, lots of women are independent and don't need a man to protect them.

  9. I'm the proverbial weakling that doesn't work out, so if a male friend or a female friend is around to walk with me; it could be either one. I have a gal pal that works out and she can hold her own.

    As far as finding the bigger guys more attractive, yes, fit and healthy would be a natural choice. Slim guys with good definition and tone are attractive to me, also.

  10. What, as opposed to an incapable man? Anyway, who says skinny guys aren't any good in a fight? I know a few skinny martial arts experts and they could beat any larger untrained or lesser trained guy into pulp.

    I've protected myself quite adequately for all of my adult life, all around the world, against various forms of coercion and physical violence. But if I WAS in a situation where I needed help, I'd be quite happy for either male or female friends to help me.

  11. It's up to her; just keep in mind what is natural to one is not natural to another; having said that at times expect the shoe to be on the other foot when need arises. My husband protects me; however, that does not stop me from protecting the both of us, and, or our kids when need arises.

  12. I've always believed I'm entirely capable of protecting myself, even when I was clearly wrong.  Mind you, I've only lost one fight in nearly 40 years, and there were two of them and only one of me...

    I think there's some truth in what you say, but if it were an overwhelming need, short guys would never have partners.

    Also, women can be very good at talking their way out of a difficult situation if necessary.  

    But yeah, I think many women want a big strong man to protect them.

    An interesting exception is when women are giving birth.  For all the modern practice of having the baby's father present, most women in labour want the presence of another woman.  I guess it's either innate, or a memory of a very long cultural tradition!

  13. I think the urge to protect someone weaker than yourself is an instinctive one, which is why women tend to think about protecting children rather than protecting men.  And I also think it's instinctive to look to someone stronger than yourself to protect you.

    Another woman would be very unlikely to have the strength to protect you, whereas a man probably would.

    However, this situation never arose when I was young, and if it had done I wouldn't have been able to call anyone as we didn't have mobile phones in those days.  so it's just as well it never did.

  14. Both society & nature. It's almost like we're conditioned, at least I know I am to prefer the stronger man.

  15. It's not always like how you say.  I have a little girl who always runs to me when she is hurt.  Granted her mom is not around but there are other females around but she always comes to me.  young children will go to who ever nurtues them and makes them feel safe.  

  16. I'd rather have s*x with the big, strong guy.  It's nature and the way we've been conditioned to think about our roles in life.

  17. Well society tells us that men are stronger, are protectors, and that women are weaker. Traditionally, and generally speaking, physically this is the case.

    So if you're in danger, you naturally want to choose a defense that you perceive will be more effective against the aggressor. If for some reason you were convinced that calling up your female friend (who's a black-belt lets say) would deter a potential conflict, then you'd probably go that route instead.

    Don't over analyze-it too much, and maybe take some self-defense courses.

  18. It is a genetic predisposition. It was proven that women naturally prefer men with wide shoulders and high shoulder to waist ratios. Basically fit males

    Kids rely on mummy because they know that the mother's maternal instincts will drive her to protect her children.

    Once you're effectively emancipated as an adult you realise that mummy can no longer protect you in the real world where might is often right so women rely on men to protect them.

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