
Is it sore getting braces on ?

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I'm getting my upper brace on in three hours i'm really nervous and i'm getting very worried incase it's sore .. Anyone whose got braces can you please tell me is it sore ?




  1. Hi there,

    No, it shouldn't hurt -  it might be a bit uncomfortable though. I had them put on a few years back and I'm terrified of the dentist and it was totally fine. Also, if there is any point when you feel it's getting too uncomfortable just say to the dentist and he/she should change what he is doing. Honest, try not to worry about it.  And plan yourself a wee treat for after the event.

    And, just think, you'll have lovely lovely teeth at the end of the day and the discomfort will be forgotten.

    All the best.

  2. everyone teeth reacts differently to braces :) mine didn't hurt at all :)

  3. yup. but dont worry its not that bad. eating ice cream helps a lot :)

  4. ive had braces got em off earlier this year

    i wont lie they do hurt, because there literally pulling your teeth into shape, your gums get extremely tender and sore. This will pass in a week or 2 depending on how much adjustment needs to be done

    and when they tighten your braces or give you a new wire your teeth will get sore again but that shouldn't last more than 2 days max

  5. its absolutely nothing to worry about. ABSOLUTELY... all they do is put glue-gel on your teeth, stick metal holders on, and weave a wire through. After 1 week all the initial MILD aches will be gone, gone GONE...

    So don't worry!  



  6. NO u dont need a needle.. having braces doesnt hurt at all.. but i got mine off today.. and im so glad i listend to my parents and got braces.. my teeth look so s**y.. when u get ur braces on, ur teeth might ache for about a week becaues ur teeth r moving.. but when they ache, it means they r getting straighter.. i used to be really happy when they ached.. because the following day, i could see an improvement in my teeth... just get em on, it doesnt hurt and its so worth it.. i went to my ortho really nervous, and to be honest, it didnt hurt 1 bit.. good luck

  7. getting them on doesn't hurt at all, they're only gluing bits of metal to your teeth nothing more, but, im not gonna lie to you, after getting my braces on i was in agony for 2 weeks. i ate nothing but stewed apple and icecream, and panadol, for that whole 2 weeks because i couldn't handle anything else.

    but after thats its fine and you get used to them really quickly.

    good luck!

  8. The dentist will inject local anaesthesia for you, not so sore. Don't be too nervous.

  9. It isn't sore getting them in but stay away from anything other than soft foods like soup, ice cream etc. When i got them in i made the mistake of eating solid foods and i was in agony for days lol, they're well worth having in though when you see the difference of your teeth when you get them out..Good Luck!  

    Also i don't remember having to have any needles anywhere near me when i got my braces in.

  10. Actually having them fitted to your teeth is 100% painless, however, for 1-2 weeks after they have been put on it is extremely painful.  

  11. Yes.  It aches.  Use pain-killers and ice cream to relieve.  Sorry

  12. I had braces for 5 years!

    anyways, intially it is very sore as in i had big ulcers in my mouth where they braces would rub and my mouth used to bleed, but they do give you wax and that sometimes help, my advice would be to make sure you dry your teeth (i know it sounds wierd) before you put the wax in because it helps the wax to stick otherwise it jusr falls off and you end up eating it.

    oh and my teeth were always really tender after i either got them on or just had them tightened because of the movement of the teeth, this feels like someone has punched you in the mouth, or is putting constant strong pressure on them so they feel really bruised. for this i advice liquidy food for a few days, (apples are the worst do not eat apples) yougurt and soup you know

    but you will be fine no stress it doesnt last tooo long and besides you will have beautiful teeth by the end :D


  13. it depends on ur sensitivity, but, like all dentistry, it is a little sore.

    Only a little tiny bit. Afterwards is actually worse, ur teeth ache as the brace starts to move them into position.

    It sounds a lot worse than it is though, i had braces for years and i dont remember anything particularly bad. And i HATE dentists, im sensitive to pain T.T But its so worth it in the end!

  14. You don't have a local anaesthetic! It doesn't hurt at all.  

  15. :) Not really.

    You have to focus on the results. No pain no Gain. Good Luck!

    And dont worry, everything will be alright.

  16. yup..that;s normal my will get used to that...and maybe in just 4'll be fine...dont panic

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