
Is it <span title="normal..................................?">normal......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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for your neck to crack just like your knuckles? The reason I'm asking is that my neck cracks several times a day and I don't know if I should bother my Doctor with it or not. The thing is, I agitate it myself - something feels wrong with it. I'm always wiggling my head around. Could it be a serious thing?

For additional information, I'm 34, otherwise healthy but I used to lift weights but stopped about a year ago. I also take cod liver oil and calcium supplements.




  1. Haha, that is not serious at all. I also crack my neck. You just have to be careful, if it won&#039;t crack then don&#039;t force it to or else you could hurt your neck. But that is completely normal, I crack my ankles, elbows, knees, back...LOL! You have nothing to worry about.

  2. Hi Zone,

      I would have your doctor check that out for you. Better to be safe than sorry later.

    Your Friend,


  3. its normal, my ex used to gross me out doing it!

  4. see a doctor

  5. hi its happens to me all the time and im only 17

  6. Hey Zone,

    Do yourself a favor and visit a chiropractor.  I worked for one and found out that regular doctors only give you meds to wash away the pain and you keep buying more.  A Chiropractor treats the problem and your pain is gone.  Hope you feel better soon


  7. i would think its normal b/c i know lots of ppl that can move there head around and make it crack

  8. I think it is &#039;normal&#039; for some people, I have a friend that has to click her jaw about once a day, If you begin to get aches I would go to your doctor.  I&#039;d keep taking the supplements as they&#039;re good for you anyway.

    Good luck x

  9. Yea I can crack my neck pretty good, You neck might hurt because you stopped working out and the muscles are breaking down so you have less support pf your head.

  10. Yeah, it&#039;s fine.

    Some people can crack their necks, others can&#039;t. I&#039;ve heard rumors that it&#039;s bad, but I don&#039;t believe them.  

  11. it could just be a build up of calcium which is what the cracking is or it could be tiny air pockets in your neck

  12. hi. my dad has that also. he had it about 20 years ago and the doctor told him he would probably have to have surgery in 20 years. and its been 20 years so he is worried he will have to have neck surgery. go to your doctor immediately.

  13. I know a lot of people that push their hand against the side of their neck and tilt their head to the side and it cracks really loud. I crack my knuckles and I&#039;ll stretch backwards over a chair or just all the way back to the floor to crack my back. It&#039;s not a big deal. If it causes you pain I would get it checked out.

    When you crack your knuckles or any space it lets the air out and rubs against the tendons? I learned something of it in biology about a year ago. It puts air between your bones and doesn&#039;t have that much of a cushion. In the long run you and I are going to be screwed due to arthritis and what not. For now you&#039;re good unless it hurts.

  14. yes it&#039;s normal some people can crack their joints and others can&#039;t your healthy enough so don&#039;t worry

  15. ya its normal.

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