
Is it <span title="normal????????????????????">normal???????????????????...</span>

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for someone who goes to the gym regularly to feel sometimes too lazy to go to the gym?




  1. yea happens to me alot.

  2. As long as it doesn&#039;t become a regular thing it is normal

  3. It&#039;s normal for cowards

  4. Maybe u have some kind of deficiency...better got to the doctor...or are u upset about something??

  5. Yep i get that every now and then.

  6. Yeah absolutely. And, its good to take a day off now and then. If you don&#039;t feel up to it just don&#039;t go. Then next time you will be ready to hit the gym hard.


  7. Heck ya me and my buddy cam used to get up early go to the gym everyday before school...and although it was early we loved it! it woke us up and had us pumped for school. but occasionally we would just not want to work out. and i personally believe that laziness was kind of a way for your body to communicate to you that you should take a rest for the day. It worked great....but you have to be able to discern is it that you need a rest or is it that its just hard for you to get motivated to go to the gym. If its the motivation you should get a buddy so he&#039;ll hopefully force you to go when you dont want to

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