
Is it <span title="true..........................?">true........................</span>

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Is it true that if you eat whole milk every time it rains for 3 years you will be more likely to get pink eye?




  1. SAY WHAT????

  2. i never knew you could eat milk

  3. Not only is this your true  your feet will turn into hoofs also!

  4. who evr told u that wow is messed up :( i definily dont belive in that

  5. thanks for the 2 points monkey

  6. I would advise you to ask this question at your next doctors appointment.

  7. actualy... in the early 1800&#039;s that was a slight risk. but only if you had diabeatise and where in your late 40&#039;s or older. but there is a type of shot only availible in Turky that you can get to provent this. but the shot is very costly and few bother to get the shot.

  8. 1st, you don&#039;t &quot;eat&quot; milk unless it&#039;s gone bad...really bad.  

    2nd, no, it&#039;s not true.

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