
Is it <span title="true.............................................?">true........................</span>

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is it true that on December 21, 2012 the world will end??? cuz if so then i am gonna be so sad cuz dec 21 is my b-day! *cries*




  1. NO! It didn&#039;t end on January 1, 2000 like they said either.

  2. I doubt so, well if it did be happy you&#039;ve lived at all... wow who knew the world was ending so early

  3. I hope so, but if it does I&#039;m sorry it has to be on your birthday. Maybe it will happen at the end of the day so you can have a sweet party?

  4. I sure hope not I retire from the Navy jun21 2012

  5. Have a Happy Birthday.

    I suppose some seudo intellectual types will say we have to &quot;do something&quot;!!!! (That will likely cost US billions,or trillions of dollars) I say, save your money. Like most things people waste too much &quot;money&quot; on, we can&#039;t DO anything to change the way the Solar system, or the Universe works.

    Live a good life. Love with all your heart.(Hopefully, you will be loved equally, in return.)

    Edit: At least we can &quot;max-out&quot; all credit cards on a Christmas that won&#039;t happen, with &quot;bills&quot; we won&#039;t have to pay. Yippee!!!!! It all depends on &quot;what&#039;s important&quot;,right? (Sarcasm, intended)

  6. no way told u that man. no way world will last for ever. human will survive anything.

  7. I&#039;ve heard of what AZ says too!!...I&#039;ll be 21 at that time too so I guess I&#039;ll also be sad.....:-( But I&#039;ve also heard from my religion (i&#039;m a Christian) that the judgment day will take place on 2013.....:-( :-( :-( So either way,if those rumors are true,I don&#039;t see us sar bear having much of a future to live.........:-( :-( :-( :-(

    (i just hope that doesn&#039;t take place on your b-day - or mine!!!)

  8. i dont think so!.....bye the way happy birthday in advance!!!

  9. there is a belief that planet x or Nibiru&#039;s elliptical orbit will be closest to our sun that day (i think).  Nibiru&#039;s mass is somewhat unknown so if it is a brown dwarf or unborn star, when it passes our sun (dec 21. 2012) intense solar flares will be given off and cause major destruction on earth. although a lot of this is hypothetical, there is a lot of evidence to support this. there seems to be scientists/astronomers for and against this theory. 2012 is also the end of the Mayan calendar. so party like a rock star and happy birthday.

  10. I hope so

  11. why did you chose that year?????

  12. How should we know?

  13. Typical, it happens on the Winter solstice. So our last day&#039;ll be a short one.

    Well it probably wont happen but, aslong as you live life to the full you wont be so upset if it does happen.

  14. i seriously doubt it unless aliens decide theyre sick of our c**p and want to blow up the earth. global warming will heat up the earth until everything has fried or starved to death. should be in another 100 years or so. only things left will be 3 cockroaches and mick jagger. that guy just wont die lol

  15. I don&#039;t think so...

    These people said that the world would end at: 6 6 06

    (June 6, 2006). That was my friend&#039;s birthday. Everyone was creeped out that day, and geuss what, it didn&#039;t end. &gt;&lt;

    The world would END when the sun explodes, rofl.

    Which scientists predict will happen in a million years. Pfft. Don&#039;t beleive this junk.

  16. NO EVERYONE JUST SAYS WERE ALL GONNA DIE BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING...  but they said the same thing 20 years ago ... they said we were  gonna die because of global COOLING.... and were not dead..... those people are just confused.

  17. You&#039;ll get over you sad feelings by 22/12/2012

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