
Is it <span title="true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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nothing just trying to get your attention. lol. never gets old!!!!!!!lol




  1. I hope Kane wins the &quot;Championship Scramble&quot; and finally becomes World Heavyweight Champion because I feel he deserves it. I also hope Kane wins because I don&#039;t think he is being treated well on Raw. He is barely ever put in a good match unlike the other superstars on Raw like Batista and Cena, JBL and CM Punk, and Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. I would really like to see Kane compete against people that are on the same level as him and hold a title belt.

  2. i hope kane wins the scramble  

  3. That was a waste of 5 points.

  4. .

  5. LOL

  6. Orton comes in at th end of the Raw scramble and wins

    and the shocker of the night

    The Brian Kendrick wins the Smackdown scramble and begins his HBK like push

  7. Smackdown Scramble - Jeff Hardy

    RAW Scramble - Kane

  8. unforgiven = a total and utter snorefest I won&#039;t waste my time watching it!

  9. HHH wins the SD scramble (******SPOILER******)

    JBL Wins the RAW scramble

  10. waste of 5 points got no clue till it happens

  11. Unforgiven: HHH to retain WWE champ

    Don&#039;t care about WHC scramble

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