
Is it still domestice violence if there is no injury?

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What if it was just a shove or push one time with no physical injury? Is it still considered domestic violence or just an accident? Would you forgive if it never happened before? Call the police, leave?




  1. A push or shove IS domestic violence....the intent is there regardless of what you think.

    If I could not control my anger at something you said to me and pushed you on the floor, but you were not hurt, did I do it accidentily or did I do it with intent of harming you? I intended to harm you so it was not an accident and it was only luck that you didn't get hurt.

    Would I leave if I experienced domestic violence? I would have left at the first sign of any abuse.....physical or emotional.

  2. I am beginning to think that you have done something that you regret.

    No marks does not mean it didn't happen/ hurt. It means there is no physical evidence, so prosecution is practically impossible without corroborating evidence.

    If one person knows that they are stronger than the other, and deliberately use this to intimidate, or a physically weaker partner hits someone they KNOW will not hit back then it is a disgusting act of bullying, and if I were in that position I would never trust them again, so the relationship would have to end.

    I wouldn't call the police.

  3. This is an example of what we should see more of.  Women get away with domestic violence way more often that men.

    Women should be reported, charged, and jailed just as often as men.  But men don't report it.;...

  4. Domestic violence is physical, emotional, sexual so even though a shove may not produce a bruise it still means that there is abuse happening and the potential for it to get worse.  Next time the shove might escalate to a punch.  Any early warning signs should be acted upon immediately.

  5. *gives you troll sticker*

  6. Anything other than self defense . . . self defense means block punches, stun perpetrator enough to safely exit the situation.

  7. yes it is under the law domestic violence, you do not have to even touch her all you have to do is be yelling at her and thus you are being threatening and a menus, the charge is malaise with intent to harm.

    OK sense some say that it is not i will then say it is in my state were i live and i know that what i said is a fact. the charge carries a 2.5 year prison sentence and fines and can be prosecuted with out the wife's wanting it to be or not for the DA can carry it to court.

  8. Yes this is still domestic violence. If my partner (of several years) were to hit me one time I wouldn't call the police, but I would move out if I thought I was in danger. I would make attempts to figure out what had caused it. If it happened a few times I would leave him and, depending on the severity of the violence, press charges.

    Colton - the poster there didn't want his partner to be charged. I wouldn't either, if my partner got drunk one time and gave me a scratch and a bite mark. Yes it's still domestic violence but it's ridiculous to say that this is in the same league as someone beating the c**p out of someone. Be serious.

  9. If someone cannot hold there temper in anger, it shows that they have potential to do other things. It would for me depend on the context and what all happened. I wouldn't call the cops for shoving and no injury, but I would seriously consider leaving the situation and quite possibly the relationship.

  10. Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women.

    Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation or threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence. There are a number of dimensions including mode - physical, psychological, sexual and/or social; frequency - on/off, occasional, chronic; and severity – in terms of both psychological or physical harm and the need for treatment – transitory or permanent injury – mild, moderate, severe up to homicide.

    Well, there you go.

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