
Is it still illegal for Americans to go to Cuba?

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AND is there a way around it? Like, say, going to Mexico and THEN Cuba? Or would I need Mexican passports or something? My girlfriend is from Cuba and I'm hoping to surprise her with a trip back there in a year or two.




  1. She will be very happy. Take many $ to buy her food and clothes

  2. It is illegal for US citizens to go to Cuba.  People do get around the rules by going to Canada first and then flying to Cuba from either Toronto or Montreal.

    However, if the US State Department finds out (and they do occasionally), the fine is ridiculously high.  The last I heard of someone getting fined for going to Cuba the fine was $10,000.

  3. Travel from the US to Cuba is not what is illegal...what is 'illegal' is spending money...and that's why the US government requires you to obtain a special travel license issued from the OFAC if going to Cuba. But there are only certain circumstances that allow that.

    That said, yes, you can go via a 3rd country such as Cuba, DR, or Mexico. Cuba never stamps your passports.

    The only thing you'd need to be sure of is to not leave any paper trails such as tickets, receipts, souvenirs, etc....Everything you buy should be in cash in Cuba. Or many will purchase their tickets in cash as well.

    The only thing you need to enter Cuba is a tourist card (carta turista)...and these are separate from your passport and can be discarded before you cross the border back home.

    Cancun is the most popular destination for US tourists in the Caribbean. There is absolutely no reason why US Customs/Immigration would suspect you have been anywhere else but Cancun.

    You can enter Mexico and re-enter the US using only a certified copy of your birth certificate and a government issued photo ID, such as a driver's license (BC/DL). In other words you do not have to show US Immigration your passport upon re-entry to the US. Probably half or more of US tourists who travel to Cancun use this alternate form of identification as their travel documents.

    The odds of getting fined are minimal as thousands from the US go to Cuba every year.

    You can read these links to help you further.

    Enjoy Cuba!

  4. You MUST HAVE A PASSPORT.. for Cuba, for Mexico or to RE-ENTER THE U.S.

    The best way to go to Cuba is through Mexico... and, since this question has been asked repeatedly on here... READ THE ARCHIVES ON THIS... it has been WELL COVERED on how to do this... I'm not going to repeat it AGAIN... the first 5000 times was enough.

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