
Is it still possible to become a corrections officer/law enforement?

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while having a discharge from the military under personality discharge. i can assure you that it wont happen again. so am i able to apply for any of those jobs with that kind of discharge? i am currently living in las vegas and would like to work there for corrections or law enforcement (patrol)




  1. As a Captain in A FOrmer Nevada Federal Prison, a former Lt. in the Nevada Department of Corrections, and a former 9-1-1 Dispatch Supervisor in that county, the answer is yes.  I still work for the Federal Government, feel free to apply with us

    Good Luck

  2. No..

  3. Of course you are . Not if it was a Dishonarable Discharge tho

  4. you are free to apply. on the application it will ask if you served in the military and what kind of discharge, if any, that you received. it is all at the discretion of the employer whether or not this will have an effect on your consideration. there should also be a section to explain the discharge, so if you can provide a reasonable explanation you may better your chances for being hired.

  5. yes you can

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