
Is it still possible to receive traffic school after fighting the traffic ticket and losing?

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I live in California, the bay area, and I received a ticket from Bart police for crossing a double yellow line (which I did to pass a bicyclist who wouldn't let me pass) and failing to come to a complete stop at the stop sign. I have two points on my license already, one from a previous ticket and the second from a car accident. This is all within a year and 5 months. I was told to show up in court and plead not guilty, and just wait for trial when hopefully the officer will not show up and therefore my ticket gets dismissed. Is this wise to do??? If the officer does show up to trial and I am found guilty, would the judge let me take traffic school to avoid the extra points and higher insurance rates? Or should I just plead guilty and request for traffic school from the start?? By the way, I've never taken traffic school before so I'm in the clear of that once every 18 month rule.

Please help!!! Is it likely for the judge to give me traffic school in trial if I am found guilty?? Or should I just plead guilty and ask for traffic school during the arraignment?




  1. It is possible, but much less probable. Traffic school is at the discretion of the judge. Around here, it is given to people who accept responsibility for their actions, it is not given when someone contests the charge and goes to trial.

    You should call the court clerk, they may be able to answer your question.

    As far as the ticket getting dismissed for the officer not showing up, the chances are slim. I certainly wouldn't count on it. If the officer has a valid excuse, the trial will be rescheduled.

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