
Is it still wet-tail to a hamster if.....?

by  |  earlier

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if the p**p is really diarreah? i checked the morning i found out, but its just a little softer. it used to be hard that i couldnt squish em' with me fingers(in a napkin of course) but now its just like play-doh. is it still wet tail?

if it is, are there any HOME remedies?

thank you so much for those that answer




  1. yea its still wet-tail another way to tell is to touch his rear end to see if its wet (yes its gross) but thats another way to tell for sure. Be sure to buy him some anti-biotics from the pet store or this will get worse. The symptoms of wet-tail is loss of appetite, diarreah, dehydration (look at his ears if there down he/she is dehydrated) you have to give him antibiotics for 5-6 days. There are Drops and Fizz pills you can use for wet-tail.

  2. yes those are symptoms of wet tail, and there is nothing you can do at home for it.  you need to go to the VET and get medicine for it, the medicine may treat the hamster but it may not you just have to try it, i would do it fast before the hamster passes.......

    good luck

  3. it may be a start of it i would go and check it put just to be on the safe side and there are no home remadies but u no that if it has had it before then ur suposeddo sisinfect the cage or it can catch it agian try washin the cage in soapy water

  4. i am not sure but my guinea pig had it and she had constant diarrhea and she was alway tired and in a terrible mood. it sounds like it could be along the lines of wet tail. i would call a vet and give them the symptoms.

  5. yup, but no home remedies.

  6. It is the start of wet-tail, you need to get him to a vet ASAP, you found it early so you may be able to stop it from getting bad.  He needs to get some panmycin, make sure he is drinking, get a dropper and try giving him water directly.  Good luck.

  7. yes it is wettail you need to get a little bottle or a medicine push thing and force it to drink water because its dehydrated.

  8. Soft p**p can be the first sign of diarrhea but it is only a probability since soft p**p can also happen if you feed your hamster too many watery fruits or vegetables or change his diet suddenly. Stop feeding him watery foods and put him only on his commerical mix for a couple of days to see if the p**p becomes alright. Keep a close watch, if in the next few hours, it starts becoming watery or his tail area looks wet and soiled, then you have to take him to a vet for antibiotics immediately. There are medicines like Dri Tail available in pet shops and they are not really useful for wet tail once it has started happening. In case the p**p starts getting worse, start rehydrating him by force feeding water through a syringe till you take him to a vet since dehydration is the main problem with wet tail or diarhea.

  9. Does your hamster have the other signs of wet tail?

    Is he lethargic, has he stopped grooming himself? If the ONLY thing about him is softer p**p, I wouldn't think it was wet tail. Try feeding him less watery foods for a while to find out if that's the cause, avoid iceberg lettuce especially.

  10. If your hamster has wet tail his tail area would be all wet.

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