
Is it strange for a 19 year old guy to want babies?

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I'm 19 & have this obsession with babies and children. I'm not even thinking about getting laid, all i think about is loving a child and caring for it - i often fantasize about having a gf/wife for the sake of having kids with her and looking after them and all that. Going shopping for their clothes and holding them and tickling them.

Where i work in retail i always have mothers come in with their babies & children and i always smile when i see them and feel warm and fuzzy inside.

The thing is, i've told my male friends about this and NONE of them have this longing for children and just laugh at me lol.

wtf is wrong with me?




  1. Nothing is wrong with u it is a little strange being 19 year old male wanting a baby because its way 2 young!

    but other then that any women would kill 4 a guy like u!

    most men hate kids lol...

    & i think its extreamly hot when u see guys looking after baby and kids and being really good with them!

  2. There's nothing wrong with you - just make sure you don't rush into a relationship to have children.  Wait until you find the right person and you'll be a great father.

  3. Nothing wrong with it, its sweet and I'm sure girls will love you for it - most guys of your age run a mile if you mention babies, lol!

    Just make sure you have the means to support them before you go about making one of your own!  

    In the meantime, maybe offer to babysit for friends and family.

  4. Nothing is wrong with you, people are just different. Besides you are  the stuff of some womans dreams!! LOL some of us hard to work hard for our husbands to agree to have kids :)

  5. Nothing at all.  You're more mature and you know from an early age what you really want out of life.  It is more of a thing for a woman to want, but I knew a few guys that were like that too.  I'm 26 today and the guys that I knew in highschool are actually awesome Dads!  The only thing I can really say is, go to college and do a job that you enjoy that will allow you to support your gf/wife and children so she doesn't have to work and can care for your family before you settle down.  I think it's s**y when a guy wants a family and can support them and be a great Daddy!

  6. Sounds like your mother raised you right! =] It personally think it's adorable that you love little babies! =D Not many men can say that.

  7. I think you should consider being a babysitter or a nanny or working in childcare??

  8. I dont think its strange. My boyfriend said he was like that b4 he had kids.

  9. I think it's sweet!

  10. i think that there are prob alot of men that feel that way but just don't like to admit it! I think that its great that you want to be a loving husband and father just remember that part of loving ur child is giving them a stable home so make sure that u do truly love ur wife before having kids, and also make sure that u are able to support them in everyway including finacially- its a big responsibilty and takes more than just love sometimes :) best of luck to ya

  11. nope. have you heard of the pregnant man? who really is a woman so shouldnt even be famous! anyway, he said "it's not a male or female desire to want a baby, its a human desire" i think that is true.

  12. Nothing is wrong with you!  Sounds like you're a great guy who has matured a little faster than your age-mates.  You are the kind of man who will make a fantastic husband and father when the time is right.  You'll be the one who actually reads the pregnancy books your wife asks you to, who is actually helpful during labor, who will actually read child care and development books, ask questions at the pediatrician's office, be supportive during breastfeeding, and be a great dad!  Who cares if the other guys laugh at you!  And this kind of interest is normal, just don't go and get yourself into parenthood before you're stable financially and have met someone you could live with the rest of your life!

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