
Is it strange for a mother to name her SON Chloe?

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My aunt who recently gave birth named her newborn son 'CHLOE'.

She'll be calling him 'CLO' as a nickname for short.

Do you believe that this is an appropriate name for a boy?

Do think he will be teased when he begins school?




  1. That kid will be teased as soon as he hits grade-school and the teasing won't stop till he's out of college. Good luck!

  2. It is awefull!!! He will be teased to no end. Chloe is sooooo feminine. Shame on her. Might as well call him Elizabeth or Rachel.  

  3. That poor child. Chloe is a female name only unlike many male names that can be female eg. Peta, Tony, Sam, Jamie

    Maybe your aunt will realise this and when filling out school forms (you can do this at my old school)

    Do name "Chloe" Preferred name "something else" I knew I girl who hated her first name so she was only known by students and teachers as her middle name.

  4. I agree with LuLu's comment..

  5. ewwwwwwwwwww

    have you looked up the name and see if it actually at one time was a mascline name?

    She could of named his Clovie and called him Clo

    or some other name.

    it is her deal to name the kid

    i never would of

  6. That's awful. Chloe is a very feminine name that only girls should have. I feel sorry for that little boy as he grows up! He is going to be teased in school.

  7. cole or cleo woulda been wayy better

  8. Poor little boy, he'll be teased something shocking.

    I really like the name Chloe for a girl.

  9. I think that it's awful and cruel. Chloe is extremely feminine and cutesy, it would sound ridiculous on a little boy. Poor child.  

  10. it's strange and a bit funny, but if the boy turns out to have a strong personality he'll overcome this and turn it to his advantage. artsy :>

  11. I think it's wayyy too girly.

  12. name him whatever you want to name him, but i do think he will get teased in grade school and he may resent you because of that :/  

  13. Does she honestly think that is a boy name? It's a very girly name. He will definitely get made fun of by all the little girls in is class that will be named Chloe. Why didn't she just name him Cleo? It's close and sounds masculine.  I hope he has a masculine sounding middle name he can go by. Poor kid!

  14. That is a girls name and I feel sorry for him when he is in school or becomes a teenager that is going to have a lasting effect on his life.  She should change his name now before any damage is done to this poor child.

  15. lol wow havent heard that one before, silly to name a boy something so feminime. She should of named him Clo instead

  16. yes it is strange.

    and yes i know he will be teased.

    i dont know why people do this to their children

  17. Umm, yeah, that's not a unisex name like Kellie/Kelly, Stacey/Stacy, Dion/Dionne, Jordan/Jordyn, Riley, etc.

    Poor lil boy...

  18. I would never name my son Chloe. I do believe she set him up for ridicule when he starts school. Poor fella.

  19. Yes, that's very strange!  Omg, why would she do that?  

    Clo is ok.  You should seriously suggest that she just make that his legal name.

    Clovis used to be a somewhat popular boy's name in the early 1900's- maybe she could change it to that?

    Poor guy!

  20. this is what happens when people try to "be different" and end up looking silly! this boy will most likely get made fun because chloe is a popular name right now and he'll probably go to school with a bunch of girls with that name! the parents make the choice but they should consider the future repercussions

  21. that is not a boys name, but it'll be alright, as long as he goes by a nickname

  22. I don't even like it when girls have boy names...

    Maybe Tyler/Taylor Lyndsey,etc which were at least former boys names or are unisex... but Chloe - I wonder what she was thinking.  Where was the father during this?  Maybe he can go by his middle name

  23. that is strange

    but it is her choice

    i kno a guy named stacy

    if that helps lol

  24. I agree that he will probably be teased. I love the name Chloe but it is awful for a boys name. Clo doesn't sound anymore masculine to me. What was she thinking? Oviously she was thinking on names she liked and not what name was best for her SON. Maybe she should call him Coe or even Cole.

  25. OMG!! I feel so bad for that poor little guy!

    Was she totally hoping for a girl or something?

    He will totally be teased and harrassed.

    Just think of his fist day at school and there a girl in his class named....Chloe.....A.W.K.W.A.R.D!!!

  26. Chloe is very feminine! It'd be like naming your son Kayla, Emily, or Ashley. Poor, poor, little boy! :o(

  27. Oh my Lord! Chloe is a girl name! Poor little fella! I definitely think his name will cause confusion and teasing in his future. It's SO feminine!

    You should definitely try to talk her into changing this as soon as possible, for the sake of your cousin.  

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