
Is it strange if a person has no desire to be loved or liked?

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Is it strange if a person has no desire to be loved or liked?




  1. I used to until I was loved (got a taste of it)

  2. Some people just can't handle the emotional roller coaster so they opt out of it, detaching themselves from the possibility.  Of course, there are the rare individuals with mental or hormonal disorder.

  3. Facts are weirder than fiction.

    Fiction is faked, then imagination is born.

    Imagination is illusion, then nothing is born.

    Nothing is fact, then how fat can we get?

    We are all the same, but views make us different.

    Different people act differently, so why get angry?

    If anger is the problem, then where did it come from?

    If there's no absolute answer, then why bothers?

    If ignorance keep us from suffer,

    then insane will be much better.

    Are we all insane then?

    True Love is unconditional love.

    Unconditional love does not desire love in return.

    Back to your question,

    I will say the strange ones are the ones who label others as strange.

  4. No, I am not! ^^ that strange,

    I only desire to love, and its doing fine..

    Love comes so naturally that  makes me almost need not desire it, it seems.

    I have love in my heart. Somehow.

    I know some others like me, It doesn't really sound cute.


  5. No, what would be strange is if a person had the desire to be hated and disliked.

  6. i am that way also. but it is only strange because there are so few of us.

  7. Yes it is strange. In fact, this person is lying because wanted to be loved or liked by others is a basic human need.

  8. nope.. i personally enjoy being left alone during lunch at school. i like my family but that's enough for me.

    if you mean strange like not commen, yeah i think it is.

  9. It's OK. We all change though. It might be passing.

  10. No, I don't think it is. Maybe that person was hurt in the past.

  11. Perhaps it is just okay for this person.

    I have the desire to be loved by my significant others. I have the desire to be liked by the people I meet, nevertheless can I accept if they do not. But if my loved ones would not love me, this would be almost unbearable.

    But if a person has no desire to be loved or liked, perhaps they are more independent, perhaps they are more mature. ?

    All I know is that every body is different.

  12. it's unusual.

  13. No, I don't think it is strange. Buddhist and Zen practitioners, for instance, find that through practice, and by understanding basic tenets of their philosophy, can remain happy by not requiring outer manifestations or the input of the mindset of others. Love begins and remains, within. There we may find wholeness with all that is and all souls and sentient beings. From this kind of love, compassion is seen, and given, for all. Peace, friend.

  14. it's kinda strange's not what I would want, but your first priority should always be to love,,without asking for it back.

      The second is to let love in..really if you can't let love in, you're not being a loving person.

  15. Strange? no....but you have to ask yourself why you feel this way. If you are happy then it doesn't a good person, love others like you love yourself and no matter your religion or lack there of you'll be fine :)

  16. No , it is not strange at all . However, Ur talking about two classes of feelings as if they are synonymous ( interchangeable), or having the same meaning , which is not the case. Love & like may share some attributes , but they don't  necessirally designate the same objective or destiny.

    Love indecate indulgence & commitment . for some one who is in (real) love w/ God 'd have no desire to be loved by other ppl, for their love may disturb his solitude w/ him.

    Just by looking at fans-celebrity relation, I 'd say that many celebrities 'd wish they have not been loved by their fan.. this love makes a lot of constrains on them.

  17. Love is considering the self interest of another as though it were your own.

    It is what allows up to form couples, groups & nations.  In other words, love is the capicity for collective action.

    Now this is such a PROFOUND survival advantage that the incapacity to love is quite rare,  & the lack of desire to be loved is ever rarer.

    So yes, it's quite strange &  often quite dangerous.  This is sociopathy.  Where a person lacks any sort of moral sense toward their fellow man.

    No to be confused with being selective, which is where someone has not desire to be liked by YOU.

    (Hope it's not one you WANTED to like you.)

    Good Luck

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