
Is it strange that my 7 year old daughter......?

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is already needing to wear deodorant and she is also starting to "develop"? This is a shock for me as I was 13 before I started doing these things. She is 7 1/2 yrs old and I had to purchase her some deodorant because it was clear that she needed it. She is starting to wear a training bra and I have noticed her starting to develop. I am really freaked out! Has any other mom been through this and is this normal? Should I call her doctor? Please help if you can thanks.




  1. Girls develop younger and younger these days, but 7 is very young. Ask your GP for advice, they should be able to defer puberty with medication, for a few more years. I also have a 7 yr old daughter and couldn't imagine her having to deal with it so young!

  2. Girls go through puberty between 8-13; average age is 10.5 for girls in North America. Yes she's going through puberty somewhat early, but it's nothing to be alarmed about. Make sure you watch what she eats, because there are hormones in certain foods that cause kids to go through puberty at an early age. Maybe have a talk with her doctor and have him write up a list of the foods that have those growth hormones in it. You undo what's already developed, but if she cuts back on those foods, she can slow her puberty development down.

  3. Oh dont worry; I have a friend who had her period at nine. She began to show the signs at 7 1/2. And she is totally normal. Dont fret, some girls develop earlier than others. Ask your husband's side of the family, if he has sister, at what age they developed because if she was not following your cycle than she must be following her dad's side of the family.

    But even if she was early, the period won't be steady or constant before the age of fourteen anyway (if not later). She will propably witness a growth spurt right before that time. It is very crucial though not to make her know you are concerned, because then she will  feel uncomfortable in her body. This time is critical for girls to accept and love their bodies and the changes that occur to them. Communicate as much as you can with her, and allow her to express to you her concerns...This is more critical than the age she gets it, because if she feels confident and secure she will carry that with her for ever, otherwise she may always feel inadequate and fall into the image security issues.

  4. It is a little early, as girls usually have hormones starting to roll around thier body at the age of 8 or 9.  She could probably be just a really early one.  Still, if you are really worried, consult her pediatrician*.

    *She's still a kid!

  5. My God daughter is the same way, At 7 she started wearing deodarant and she began getting b*****s.I agree that some girls develop earlier than others. But now days its happening earlier and earlier. And the answers lie in the things we feed out kids. The chickens are pumped full of hormones to make big juicy b*****s that sell great. Then our little girls are eating this hormone riddled chicken breast and those hormones are getting into her body and causing her to develop early. I don't know if it's fixable, or if you just cope from here on out. I would look into what your eating, and the hormones they are using in your food. Get to a Doctor who can do a hormone level check on her.

  6. check thyroid levels Thyroid levels are a hormonal imbalance so that can cause this i was well developed @ 7. and when during a blood test it showed thyroid was out of wack. 7 seems a little young for this to be normal, but i'm not a doctor.

    Go to the doctor!

    (go to the doctor when anything freaks you out you don't want something to develope more)

  7. The best thing to do is take her to the doctor. This could be an onset of early puberty and should be brought to the attention of your pediatrician as soon as possible.

  8. I would speak to her pediatrician about it. There have been cases like this reported recently.

  9. No. Girls are just hitting puberty earlier, and some get their periods at nine. It's because of the hormones in meats, additives, soy products which mimic estrogen, etc. that mess with our hormones!  

    You just need to get her full of the right information about s*x and menstruation asap.

  10. Some girls begin to develop earlier than others. A good friend of mine started her period in third grade, and she's not abnormal, or anything. It's totally normal for her to be developing. She's just an early bloomer.

  11. Your OK!  Yes, children are starting to develop earlier now a days! It is because of the hormones they give to the animal we eat.  It gets passed on to the ones who eat it! My daughter is 10 she has warn a bra since she was 8.  I didn't start till I was in 6th grade. You don't need to panic!

  12. I agree with FBI.  There are hormones in so many different things that it can cause early development in girls (as well as femininity in boys and masculinity in girls).  She could just be an early bloomer.  But whatever you do, remember she is still only 7, no matter how old she looks.  Continue to treat her, her age, regardless of her early development, because she will still think like a 7 year old.  Talk to your doctor and GOOD LUCK!

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