
Is it strange that this is happening?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I feel people watching me and touching me. And sometimes i get sad and cry and get depressed because I feel like someone else is sad or mad. But no one in my house is. I always feel emotions randomly and it scares me because i never want to leave the house or do anything. They don't feel like normal emotions either! It is strange. Please help me figure out what is wrong.




  1. Do you smoke weed if so that could be whats wrong. if not see your g.p for advice or ring NHS direct all emergency depts have a mental health nurse to talk to.

    love and peace

  2. Get one of your parents to check the house for electromagnetic fields (EMF's). They can sometimes have effects exactly like you're describing, due to unshielded wires and improperly-wired sockets and fixtures. If any real issues are found, call in an electrician.

    An EMF detector can be picked up at a hardware store. A little expensive on some of them, but worth the price of peace of mind.

  3. it's all your imagination , nothing to worry about .

  4. I'm an empath, meaning I can feel the emotions of other people, and not to frighten you, but I can also feel the emotions of spirits around me. I had a little boy here, for example, who missed his mother badly. She's still alive, but she can't see him or feel him, so she doesn't know he's there. And it makes him sad, so when he first came to me, that's what I felt... really really sad, like I was missing someone.

    Sounds like your an empath as well. There's nothing wrong with you. If you're inclined at all, you might try asking that  an angel come and guide the spirit into the light. Tell them the peace they seek is there. I like to send them off with a bit of my love and light, so they know they're not alone. In fact, I tell them that, that here in my house, they're safe and welcome and I send them my love. Then I pray and ask God to send them an angel to guide them home.

    Try doing a search on empathy (also called clairsentience). There's a million links out there, so I honestly can't give you just one.

    Peace and love to you

  5. It's possible that there is paranormal activity going on. There are spirits that are lost or confused and just don't know where to go. Maybe they are missing someone

    Find out the history of the house or even neighborhood. Do you know of anyone yourself that has recently passed?

  6. its possible you've attracted a parasitic spirit. when you experience this happening you may have success stating in a firm voice "in the name of jesus christ, leave me alone now!"

    also make sure you are eating healthy. sometimes a vitamin b deficiency manifests as weird emotions.

  7. i can almost guarantee that this is puberty. i felt the same when i was 13 (it wasn't too long ago) and its just your brain trying to balance out.

  8.   Counseling seems in order.could also be something physical like hormones etc. I don't know how old you are ,what's going on in yuor life ,etc. You prob have gone thru some recent trauma or may still be going thru it. It can have some strange effects. Avoid drugs ,unless prescribed ,then still be careful. Report any thing unusual to your Dr.

    Most ppl on meds are overmedicated,so if you and your Dr choose meds, tell him/her to give you the least dose necessary to be effective.

    A psychologist would be my 1st choice,then if they think you might need medication they can recommend a psychiatrist .

  9. Probably nothing in it (most likely teenage hormones and mood swings).  The more you think about it and worry the more you will become convinced something strange is happening, so stop worrying.  Spend more time with friends to take your mind off it.

  10. I would put this one in some serious hormones. Many teenager girls get depressed and they do not understand why? and many report the feeling of being lost, its just your body changing and your brain releasing different chemicals and such, causing depression and very noticeable mood swings. The feeling of feeling that there is someone around you, is not as rare as people think, its possible that you can feel spirits or you are just afraid of being alone (which lets face it we all are). Don't be afraid, stay positive and don't worry its not a demon, not a ghost, but its possible that you have some intuition.  

  11. This is quite a tricky question.

    (and I don't mean to get in your buisness but these are important questions)

    How old are you?

    Is there any chance of you being pregnant?

    Have you told your parents?

    Has this ever happened in anyone in your family before, or some other strange happenings?

    It could just be puberty... some people get it worse than usualy. Irritability and emotional are common symptoms. Please add me to your contacts if you need anything else further!!

    Good luck.

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