
Is it strep throat??

by  |  earlier

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My tonsils are covered in mucus and are very red. I have been coughing a lot and my throat is a bit sore. I have not had a fever. I'm very congested. Is this strep throat??




  1. Go to the doctors

  2. Get yourself to the doctor.

  3. Yeah, I think it is. But to make sure Id suggest going to the doctors.

  4. It could be strep or some other infection, but the only one that can diagnose you is your doctor.  Make an appointment as soon as possible so if it is an infection you can get the right meds to help.  Good luck and feel better soon.

  5. Sorry to hear your not feeling well. A lot of this has been going around lately. No, it does not sound like strep throat. Typically strep throat will start off with a elevated fever first and a VERY sore throat. I mean so sore that you have trouble swallowing your own spit. It is very painful and miserable. But just for you to be on the safe side, please go see your doctor. Get well soon and get lots of rest if you can.
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