Ever since, I've always wanted to pursue ballet or jazz dancing as a hobby, it's just that I grew up in an enviroment where dancing for pudgy girls like me was considered "a joke". The event that ultimately shattered me was the one time I felt like talking about it. I was give or take, 7 years old. Slightly bigger than my otherwise tall slim siblings. I approached my aunt and asked if she thought I should dance, I was replied with small laughter and a "isn't that for slim people only?". That kept me mum for years. I am now 16 in first year college, still slightly leaning on the fat side since every sport and exercised I did was thoroughly discouraged since my parents think that "if i was born fat, i was born to eat" ...or something along the line. doing good in my studies and great with my friends and family. It's been a while since I considered it but after watching the rise of dance movies like STEP UP and the like, I've been considering to take up jazz dance or ballet...The questions is (Finally!after my long and I'm sure pathetic life rant:)) ) : Is it stupid to invest in something this big? Is it too late for me? and how or where can I learn? By the way, I live in the Philippines.