
Is it superfulous to create a separate regime under cedaw for the protection of womens right?

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is it superfulous under the iccpr to create a separate regime under cedaw for the protection of women's right.This is under human rights.




  1. I'm not familiar with those initials, but considering how few rights women have, either legally or practically or both, in many parts of the world, no, I don't think a specific agency (I wouldn't call it a "regime") to protect and broaden their rights is superfluous.

  2. Are you proposting that CEDAW should be eliminated?

    (CEDAW, for those of you who don't know, stands for the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,

    Indeed, CEDAW is under High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. But the reality is that:

    -- general programs that address human rights most often *don't* address the unique needs of women; their needs get addressed only if there is an effort *specifically* focused on such

    -- women are, by far, harmed the most by poverty, conflicts, natural disasters, climate change, lack of health care, lack of education, and other negative issues. Programs that address these negative influences, in general, usually don't address the needs of women.

    How many times have I read a field report where organizers proudly stated that "the entire community participated" or "the entire community supports this endeavor," and when I ask, "how many of the participants were women" or "how many women did you interview?", there's silence...  Discrimination against women is so institutionalized, I'm not sure it will be eliminated in my lifetime.

  3. The Human Right to Peace could also be of use.

    The Human Right to own the planet and cosererve natural resources.  These rights could help stop wars and the things which happen to women in wars. The things which happen to everyone in wars, starvation, murder, propaganda, everything.

    Not about wars though but these could help create a more friendly attitude toward women

  4. there is sufficient women's organization to protect their rights / end discrimination etc.  to create another one under cedaw and iccpr is also good so as to heighten awareness but it will be mainly duplicating work of some other orgs.  

    it is prudent to pull all resources into one big organization and concentrate on achieving clear objectives.  unifem is another place where resources are required as its the main un body for women.  

    also all these orgs are working slowly to end injustice.  its tough, its still a man's world whether in east or west.  its everywhere.  

    its only a change in the mindset of the pple that can change the world.  

    to this end, we found the bahai writing on equality of women and men and how to go about doing it from both top and grassroot level that we think it will be achievable in the long run.  

    we're still in the stage of firefighting and hence no remarkable change will occur.  its only when the foundations are changed that women will take her rightful place beside men in global governance

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